This Underrated Fruit Beats Out Watermelon For Most Hydrating – Health Digest
If it seems odd to use tomatoes as a way to keep yourself hydrated, remember that you can eat your water as well as guzzle it. That’s why you don’t necessarily have to drink several glasses of water daily to stay hydrated. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, food account for around one-fifth of […]
Eating Watermelon Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Sex Life – Health Digest
Perhaps the fruit’s most touted benefit when it comes to a man’s sex life is its effect on erectile dysfunction. Researchers credit the amino acid citrulline found in this tropical fruit for improving symptoms of ED. More specifically, your body converts citrulline into arginine which boosts blood flow to the penis. According to a 2013 study done on mice […]
Avoid Eating Watermelon If You Have This Medical Condition – Health Digest
Experts at NYU Langone Health explain that watermelon is high in natural sugar (fructose). Also referred to as “fruit sugar,” fructose can potentially aggravate symptoms of IBS. While the cause of IBS isn’t entirely clear, a 2015 research report published in Medical Hypotheses states that IBS has been seen in connection with fructose malabsorption. Because […]