12 Mar, 2025
6 mins read

The Smell In Your Bedroom Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Sleep – Health Digest

triocean/Shutterstock Is it difficult for you to fall asleep? Then you’re like 14.5% of adults, according to 2020 data from the National Center for Health Statistics. But there’s some positive news if you’re frustrated by an uneven and unsatisfactory sleep schedule: You can rely on the power of your nose […]

1 min read

What It Means When Women’s Smell Changes After Sex – Health Digest

Maintaining your vaginal pH balance is part of keeping your nether regions healthy and happy. Normal pH is considered between 3.8 and 5, per Medical News Today. The pH is also want contributes toward smell down there.  Some of the things that alter the pH include menstrual blood, douching, infections, and of course, sex and most […]

1 min read

Is It Healthy To Smell Your Own Farts? Here’s What The Science Says – Health Digest

Although there is some contention on whether or not the science is referring to smelling hydrogen sulfide, the research itself looked at how that rotten egg-smelling gas can help protect diseased cells from deteriorating in animals. And it has to do with something called mitochondria, a part of cells responsible for energy production, per Healthline.  Mitochondria […]

1 min read

What It Means When Your Poop Doesn’t Smell – Health Digest

But one’s digestion is just part of the equation. Diet also plays a significant role. That being said, tweaking what you eat can actually influence the odor of your poop. So, if you just changed your eating habits and noticed that your recent trips to the toilet are a bit less aromatic, there’s a good […]

1 min read

These Common Medications Can Alter Your Sense Of Smell – Health Digest

Statins and calcium channel blockers aren’t the only ones that can leave you with a bad smell in your nose; the antibiotic erythromycin is also an offender. This medication combats the bacteria causing sinusitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory infections, skin infections, and pertussis, states the Mayo Clinic. Erythromycin falls under the classification of macrolide antibiotics. According to StatPearls, […]