12 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

Why Sudden Erectile Dysfunction Could Be A Serious Warning Sign For A Man’s Prostate – Health Digest

Photoalto/frederic Cirou/Getty Images Occasional erectile dysfunction (ED) may be an annoying (or embarrassing) problem, but it’s also very normal. In most cases, the issue is fleeting and goes away on its own. However, when ED occurs suddenly and keeps happening rather than going away, it may be […]

4 mins read

The Easily Missed Parkinson’s Sign Ryan Reynolds Wished He Noticed In His Dad – Health Digest

Eugene Gologursky/Getty Images Ryan Reynolds learned of his father Jim’s Parkinson’s diagnosis when the actor was 22 years old. At the time, his parents didn’t mention much about the disease, and Reynolds himself didn’t understand the symptoms of Parkinson’s that would later arise. This strained his relationship with […]

6 mins read

The Serious Belly Button Warning Sign That Could Spell Trouble For A Man’s Health – Health Digest

Fabio Camandona/Getty Images Aches and pains are part and parcel of life. A grueling workout could leave muscle aches that last for a few days. Getting out of bed the wrong way one morning may leave a neck sprain that is refusing to go away. While some such […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Blood Pressure Right After Exercising (And A Major Warning Sign To Look Out For) – Health Digest

Exaggerated blood pressure in response to exercise occurs when your systolic blood pressure reaches 210 mm Hg or higher for men or 190 mm Hg for women, even if you have normal blood pressure. A 2020 article in the European Heart Journal studied exaggerated blood pressure during exercise and found that those who had these […]

4 mins read

Why Ghost Poops Are Actually A Sign Of Good Health – Health Digest

Turk_stock_photographer/Getty Images If you’ve ever scrolled on TikTok or been in the company of a gastroenterologist, you may have wondered about your poop health. Are you eating enough fiber to poop? Are you hydrating enough? Is constipation becoming a concern?  While unexpected triggers that can instantly change your poop habits can leave you worried, there is […]

1 min read

Why A Narrow Poop Could Be A Serious Warning Sign – Health Digest

Pencil-thin poop could be a sign that there’s a narrowing in your colon or a blockage, explained gastroenterologist Dr. Elizabeth Rajan (via Mayo Clinic).  Your colon can narrow for a few different reasons, like diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), ischemic colitis, radiation-induced colitis, anastomotic strictures, hernias, bacterial infections, and reduced blood flow to the area, also known as ischemia. […]

1 min read

Why Not Being Able To Fart Could Be A Serious Warning Sign – Health Digest

Dr. Ganjhu explained that our lower gastrointestinal tract contains two sets of muscles known as the internal and external sphincters (via Self). While the internal sphincter functions autonomically, the external sphincter is a voluntary muscle, which is why we can clench up our rear end when trying to conceal a fart. When a fart is […]

1 min read

Why It Might Be A Warning Sign When Your Poop Won’t Flush – Health Digest

In some cases, stool that refuses to spiral down the drain may point to a malabsorption problem. “Though occasional abnormal stools can occur, if bowel movements frequently resist a flush we have to consider causes of intestinal malabsorption that may lead to excess fat in the stool,” Dr. William Palmer, associate professor of gastroenterology and […]

11 mins read

Yoga, Pilates, Barre – what’s the best workout for your Zodiac Sign?

Feeling unmotivated by your fitness plan? Here’s what PT and founder of Sculptrition Amanda Place says about which workout you should be doing according to your Zodiac sign The sun, moon, and the stars are all said to align with human nature in astrology. The personality trait that might encourage you to move countries on […]