12 Mar, 2025
5 mins read

The Hidden Dangers Of Having Sex In The Shower – Health Digest

Katarzynabialasiewicz/Getty Images If we’re to believe what we see in movies, the shower is the hottest, most delicious place on the planet to have sex. From the perfect amount of steam that makes seeing a bit difficult, to the small, confined location that doesn’t allow for much […]

1 min read

The Hidden Dangers Of Low Testosterone Men Should Look Out For – Health Digest

Though there are connections between low testosterone and several medical conditions, three conditions stand out for their seriousness. The link between low testosterone and heart disease starts with metabolic syndrome (via Johns Hopkins Medicine). Men with metabolic syndrome typically carry excess weight in their midsections, have insufficient levels of “good” cholesterol, and exhibit higher-than-average blood fasting levels. Together, those […]

1 min read

The Unexpected Dangers Of Jessica Biel’s Controversial Eating Habits – Health Digest

While you may not have to worry about fecal matter getting in your bowl of cereal (provided you’re showering in a clean bathroom), there is still a small chance of microbial transfer from dripping hair strands to your food, per Penn State University food safety expert Martin Bucknavage (via TODAY). Additionally, the shower environment — floor, […]

1 min read

The Hidden Dangers Of Drinking Panera Bread’s ‘Charged Lemonade’ Energy Drink – Health Digest

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that healthy adults keep their caffeine intake under 400 milligrams a day. Still, not everyone will tolerate coffee the same way.  According to a professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto, Ahmed El-Sohemy (via Toronto Star), research suggests some people metabolize coffee slowly. “For those individuals, […]

1 min read

The Hidden Dangers Of Taking Your Medication With This Popular Beverage – Health Digest

All drinks are not equal when it comes to taking your medications. A study in the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal found that consuming common over-the-counter medications with Coca-Cola increased the medications’ disintegration time. The study had patients take five immediate-release drugs with several drinks, including cola. The cola increases the disintegration of four out of five of […]