13 Mar, 2025
1 min read

How Your Tongue Could Be Causing Your Headaches – Health Digest

Your tongue has many moving parts; one of those parts is the thin strip of skin, known as the “frenulum,” that adheres it to the floor of the mouth. People with tongue-tie have a shorter, thicker, or tighter band of tissue connecting their tongue to their mouth in the front or back, making articulating certain […]

1 min read

What It Means When You Breathe Fast While Sleeping – Health Digest

Everyone’s respiratory rate during sleep is different. Your age can determine a normal respiratory rate. According to the Sleep Foundation, adults can range between 12 and 20 breaths per minute, and older adults might breathe up to 28 breaths per minute. That’s about a one-second inhale and one-second exhale. Breathing faster than this normal rate […]

1 min read

Unexpected Factors That Increase Your Chance Of Getting Bitten By A Mosquito – Health Digest

When you’re donating blood at your local blood bank, they love it when a type O comes in. It turns out mosquitoes like them, too. A 2019 study published in the American Journal of Entomology found that when given feeders of different blood types (A, B, AB, and O), the mosquitoes spent the most time […]

1 min read

What Your Ear Wax Is Telling You About Your Health – Health Digest

Taking care of your glucose levels is essential, as fluctuations can be early indicators of conditions like diabetes. The traditional way of measuring glucose levels involves invasive blood samples. However, in a study published in Diagnostics in 2020, researchers introduced a non-invasive method of tracking acute and chronic glucose levels using earwax. The glucose levels […]

1 min read

The Easy Ice Trick That Will Help You Fall Asleep In No Time – Health Digest

You may have heard that taking a plunge in cold water is linked with reduced stress and improved sleep (via Harper’s Bazaar), so it’s not entirely surprising that there are other ways to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Placing an ice pack on your chest or neck might also do the trick, according to Sleep.com. This can […]

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Try This Childhood Trick To Make Falling Asleep Easier – Health Digest

It wasn’t just that the childhood trick made adults fall asleep easier. The research also found that they had better rest and longer sleep times. Researchers seem to think that the rocking motion creates some kind of brain-wave synchronization that leads to deeper and better quality sleep. In fact, according to one of the researchers, […]

1 min read

Where Is PMS Bites From Shark Tank Season 7 Today? – Health Digest

Green shared that PMS Bites had made a little over $13,400 in sales over the course of seven months and that she had spent the last two months zeroing in on her retail marketing strategy (via The DIY Entrepreneurs). Robert Herjavec asked outright why the product wasn’t selling, to which Kevin O’Leary followed up calling […]

1 min read

Is Stress Contagious? What We Know – Health Digest

You might not be aware of it at first, and it can occur within a fraction of a second. Without thinking, you might be inclined to reflect someone’s thoughts or actions. That’s why people in leadership roles need to be especially aware of their thoughts and behaviors. People will turn to them and be more […]

1 min read

The Hormone That Can Help Predict Your Risk Of Weight Gain – Health Digest

Estrogen plays a pivotal role in regulating various aspects of women’s health, including fat distribution. Recent studies have revealed some fascinating insights into the relationship between estrogen and fat storage in the body. For instance, a research paper published in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology in 2018 found that estradiol, a form of estrogen, plays […]

1 min read

Can We Choose When We Die? What We Know – Health Digest

What allows someone in the last stages of dying to prolong their life until some unfinished business is completed? Dr. Campbell thinks it could have something to do with a hormonal stimulus (via STAT News). People in the final stages of death “probably have some kind of hormonal stimulus that’s just a driver to keep them going. Then, […]