13 Mar, 2025
1 min read

Why A Pus-Filled Pimple Isn’t Bad News – Health Digest

Dealing with pimples can be frustrating, but they are a natural part of the skin’s healing process. Pimples, or acne vulgaris, are common skin lesions on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders (per Yale). They usually appear as small red bumps, pustules, or cysts. Pimples occur when the hair follicles and oil glands become clogged, […]

1 min read

Are Protein Shakes Safe For Children To Drink? What To Consider – Health Digest

As previously mentioned, there are cases in which a child may not be getting sufficient amounts of protein in their daily diet. Oppositely, however, sports nutrition specialist and registered dietitian Diana Schnee told the Cleveland Clinic that many children are getting more than enough. “In most Western countries, children already get two to three times […]

1 min read

Use This Doctor-Approved Coke Hack To Dislodge Food That’s Stuck In Your Chest – Health Digest

According to Healthline, this hack may have something to do with what’s really in soda — the carbon dioxide gas. It could help break down the food that’s stuck in your esophagus.  Speaking of the esophagus, this trick will only work in cases when the food is stuck there, says E.R. physician, Dr. Troy Madsen (via University […]

1 min read

Eat This Popular Fruit To Shed Excess Water Weight – Health Digest

While most people get too much sodium in their diets, they don’t get enough potassium. An adequate amount of potassium each day is 2,600 milligrams for women and 3,400 milligrams for men. A single banana has 375 milligrams of potassium. Sodium and potassium play complementary roles in the body. Sodium increases blood pressure, and potassium […]