April 5, 2024
Can diet and supplements help manage PMS? – Healthista
Can diet and supplements help manage PMS? Rob Hobson, a Registered Sports Nutritionist who works with the Healthspan supplement brand, tackles whether supplements and diet can help with PMS Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) represents a significant cause of various physical, emotional, and social challenges experienced by numerous women of reproductive age before their menstrual period. The […]
Stop Taking Ibuprofen If Your Feet Look Like This – Health Digest
More often seen in older adults, fluid retention is one possible side effect associated with the use of ibuprofen and other NSAIDs (per Drugs.com). Usually affecting the ankles, legs, and feet, this can lead to edema, in which the body’s tissues continue to hold water and the area begins to swell. In cases of ibuprofen-induced edema, […]
Eating This Underrated Tropical Fruit Can Help Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest
According to a 2016 randomized controlled study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, consuming guava pulp (made from the vibrant red flesh of the fruit) without the peel had a significant and favorable effect on both lipid levels and blood sugar levels. More specifically, it lowered blood sugar, serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol levels […]