12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

Why Not Being Able To Fart Could Be A Serious Warning Sign – Health Digest

Dr. Ganjhu explained that our lower gastrointestinal tract contains two sets of muscles known as the internal and external sphincters (via Self). While the internal sphincter functions autonomically, the external sphincter is a voluntary muscle, which is why we can clench up our rear end when trying to conceal a fart. When a fart is […]

1 min read

The Unexpected Carb That Could Help Protect You From Cancer – Health Digest

Sourdough bread is healthier because it’s made somewhat differently than traditional bread. While you don’t need store-bought yeast like traditional bread, sourdough requires a starter made from flour, salt, and water. This combo needs to ferment for a few days to activate the natural yeast and good bacteria. The cells of your body can become […]

1 min read

Strange Things That Can Happen To Your Body When You Skip Eating Breakfast – Health Digest

By depriving yourself of certain nutrients in the morning, your scalp could end up paying the price (via Elle Canada). Skipping breakfast means that certain vitamins, such as vitamin B and zinc, as well as the proteins supplied by a healthy breakfast, are not consumed. Because of this, your hair may begin to grow weak […]

1 min read

Avoid Eating Lemons If This Is Happening To Your Mouth – Health Digest

According to InformedHealth.org, an estimated 1 in every 10 people experiences canker sores. For these individuals, eating certain foods may only make symptoms worse. Lemons are one such food to avoid if you’re currently dealing with mouth ulcers due to the fruit’s acid content. The delicate tissue inside our mouths is sensitive, and acidic fruits […]

3 mins read

Is This Popular Spice The Secret To Natural Heartburn Relief? – Health Digest

Ivan Pantic/Getty Images Although generally not considered a serious health issue, heartburn can still be severely uncomfortable, to say the least. That foul taste in your mouth and burning sensation within your chest can certainly make it hard to bask in the bliss of a post-meal coma. All you want to do is recline back […]