July 13, 2024
The Unexpected Side Effects Of Masturbating Frequently – Health Digest
Experiencing guilt is a common and unexpected side effect of masturbation, which can be linked to various factors, including social stigma, religious views, culture, trauma, and more. “Feeling guilty after masturbating is often deeply rooted, influenced by cultural messages and internalized beliefs about sex going back to childhood,” licensed therapist Megan Ann Corrieri told Choosing Therapy. “The […]
Healthy Cheeses That Can Help You Lose Weight – Health Digest
Although parmesan and romano are higher in calcium, both these cheeses are some of the highest in sodium. Besides, you typically use small amounts of these hard cheeses in pasta dishes rather than eating them alone. Gruyère cheese, with its origins in Switzerland, is a nutty yet sweet cheese to improve a grilled cheese sandwich. […]
The Healthy Snack That Can Help You Lose Weight (And It’s Only One Ingredient) – Health Digest
Eating protein has been linked to losing weight. As a 2012 study from The Journal of Nutrition concluded, regular daily intake of protein tempered individuals’ tendencies to keep gaining weight. Similarly, a 2014 study from Nutrition & Metabolism noted that, when ingested in moderation, high-protein foods could improve satiety as well as boost the body’s […]