12 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

Science Says We Age Faster Twice During Our Lifetime. Here’s When It Happens – Health Digest

Oliver Rossi/Getty Images Many people see the coming of their 50th birthday with dread, viewing it as the defining line between “adult” and “middle-aged adult.” Maybe turning 50 is the year you decide to start paying more attention to your physical fitness, knowing that you begin to […]

3 mins read

Men Can Build Muscle Faster If They Have A Specific Body Type – Health Digest

Xijian/Getty Images Building up your muscle mass can offer numerous health benefits, including some that might not be obvious like better balance, an easier time managing your blood sugar, and an improvement in your mood and mental wellbeing. However, there’s just one hitch: Some men find it harder […]

4 mins read

Poop Faster With This Little-Known Sitting Position – Health Digest

Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock Even though most people don’t like to talk about it, constipation is fairly common. So common, in fact, that according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, 4 million Americans live with frequent constipation and 2.5 million people in the U.S. end up having to visit their doctor every […]

1 min read

Tricks To Fall Asleep Faster When Insomnia Hits You Hard After 50 – Health Digest

As you get older, you might laugh as you remember the many nights you stayed up well after midnight. You realize that those days are behind you, and you go to bed much earlier, sometimes 8 p.m. That also might mean shifting your evening meals earlier. A heavy meal before bed runs the risk of […]