February 5, 2024
Signs Your Cough Is Actually A Symptom Of Heart Failure – Health Digest
The occasional inhalation of dust or a tickle in the throat may produce a brief coughing fit, but a persistent cough that sticks around can instead be indicative of heart failure, reports the American Heart Association (AHA). Of course, an ongoing cough can alternatively be related to asthma, the flu, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), […]
Add This Ingredient To A Glass Of Water For Strong Bones – Health Digest
Just like milk, you’ll get a healthy dose of calcium by adding ground cayenne pepper to your glass of water. Our bones contain calcium salts, one of which is calcium phosphate, explains the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Calcium phosphate ensures that the bones are strong and solid. If you don’t […]
What Happens To Your Poop When You Die? – Health Digest
Once death occurs, any constricted muscles immediately relax — and the bowel muscles are no exception, explains the Cleveland Clinic. As a result, stool may be released from the body. But exactly how much stool can we expect to be discharged? Jeff Jorgenson, director of Seattle-based funeral home Elemental Cremation and Burial, told Women’s Health that […]
The Unique Sandwich Spread That Has Just As Much Protein As Peanut Butter – Health Digest
As more people are looking for plant-based proteins, soybean protein might be a healthy way to go. Many plant proteins are considered to be “incomplete,” meaning they don’t have all the essential amino acids that your body can’t make. However, soy protein has a similar amino acid profile to the proteins found in milk, according […]
This Unexpected Exercise Burns Just As Many Calories As Running – Health Digest
For children who’ve used the device, picking this up as adults might be a breeze, but newbies may find it a bit unnerving. The more challenging part might be finding a stick that works for your frame. While there are plenty of pogo sticks for children, adult ones might require more effort to find. Companies […]