May 11, 2024
Slouching Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Poop – Health Digest
When you have poor posture, your muscles and tendons get used to that same position. More than likely, you probably also slouch while on the toilet as you scroll through your cell phone or read a newspaper. Your knees might be lower than your hips, which can close off your anus and abdominal muscles and […]
This Popular Supplement Can Help You Poop Fast – Health Digest
Srdjanpav/Getty Images Coming in both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) forms, laxatives are medications that can help jumpstart our bowels when constipation has brought things to a standstill. Some laxatives work by softening stool, while others prompt muscle activity within the colon (per Cleveland Clinic). While effective, laxatives can come with uncomfortable side effects, including flatulence, bloating, […]
Eating These Two Popular Breakfast Foods Together Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Body – Health Digest
It shouldn’t be news to you that orange juice is packed with vitamin C. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, and it can block a key enzyme called alpha-amylase that breaks down starch into easily digestible sugars for your body to use as energy. This could slow down a spike in blood sugar […]
When You Don’t Get Enough Calcium, This Is What Happens To Your Blood Pressure – Health Digest
Calcium is often thought of as the mineral that protects your bones, but it does so much more, according to a 2019 review in Nutrients. When you don’t get enough calcium, your parathyroid gland releases a hormone that conserves the calcium in your body but constricts your blood vessels. A low-calcium diet also releases calcitriol, […]