19 Sep, 2024
11 mins read

9 Tips To Increase Your Libido And Improve Your Sex Life After 50 – Health Digest

Roger Wright/Getty Images Some might believe that, as a person’s age goes up, their desire for sex tends to trend in the opposite direction. However, that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. According to the American Association of Retired Persons, more than 70% of people between the […]

4 mins read

When You Take Ibuprofen After Drinking Alcohol, This Is What Happens – Health Digest

Fizkes/Shutterstock A glass of wine or pint of beer can relax you after a hard week of work, but that one drink can easily slip into several drinks. Maybe the headache starts before you go to bed, so to ward off a deathly hangover the next day, you […]

4 mins read

The Best Way To Eat Sweet Potatoes To Reduce Your Kidney Stone Risk – Health Digest

Susumu Yoshioka/Getty Images If you’re looking to eat more healthily, add sweet potatoes to your diet. A common favorite among bodybuilders, sweet potatoes are loaded with twice your daily recommended vitamin A, mainly in the form of the powerful antioxidant beta carotene. People with high blood pressure might like sweet […]