12 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

Drinking Alcohol Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Blood Pressure (But Only Temporarily) – Health Digest

Westend61/Getty Images A difficult day at work can be so mentally and physically exhausting that all you want to do is come home and flop on the couch with a beer or a glass of wine. You’re too lazy to cook that healthy meal from your favorite […]

5 mins read

Donald Trump’s Reason For Not Drinking Alcohol Has Scientific Backing – Health Digest

False/Shutterstock While Donald Trump is known for not having the healthiest lifestyle — he’s probably the biggest fast food fan on the planet, after all — not all his choices are bad. In fact, despite his often-erratic behavior that might suggest otherwise, it turns out that Trump […]

3 mins read

Drinking Alcohol Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Testosterone Levels – Health Digest

Photoalto/frederic Cirou/Getty Images A night of drinking can bring many laughs and unexpected behaviors, and a few drinks outside of the norm could make you feel a little, well, horny. You and your partner come home feeling in the mood until you realize that your guy down […]

4 mins read

What Happens To Your Stomach If You Drink Too Much Alcohol? – Health Digest

Ekaterina Byuksel/Shutterstock A night out with friends can be fun until the next day when you realize the combination of buffalo wings and IPA wasn’t the wisest decision. Your head feels like it’s in a vice from alcohol’s dehydrating effects, and your stomach feels like Mount Vesuvius. Your […]

4 mins read

When You Take Ibuprofen After Drinking Alcohol, This Is What Happens – Health Digest

Fizkes/Shutterstock A glass of wine or pint of beer can relax you after a hard week of work, but that one drink can easily slip into several drinks. Maybe the headache starts before you go to bed, so to ward off a deathly hangover the next day, you […]

1 min read

Avoid Eating These Salty Snacks Before Drinking Alcohol – Health Digest

Gone are the days when hydrating foods like watermelon and apples were unappealing as snacks that accompany alcohol. Fruits and vegetables, in general, are a great go-to, especially when you’re trying to avoid complete dehydration while drinking.  Eating protein-rich foods like eggs, Greek yogurt, trail mix, and lean meats can help too by slowing down alcohol absorption […]