12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

The Protein-Rich Food You Should Avoid Eating Before A Long Run – Health Digest

While protein bars may not be ideal for a pre-run snack due to their slower digestion rate, they come into their own after a run, offering a range of advantages that can aid in recovery and overall post-run nutrition. During your run, your body taps into its glycogen reserves as its primary energy source (via […]

1 min read

Single-Food Weight Loss Diets You Should Avoid At All Costs – Health Digest

While strawberries are indeed a nutritious fruit, relying solely on them for an extended period is not a balanced approach to nutrition, which is what the strawberry diet proposes. Like most single-food diets, the strawberry diet gained attention for its promises of rapid weight loss. In fact, it claims to help people shed 4 pounds […]

1 min read

What To Do The Night Before Getting A Tooth Pulled (And What Drink To Avoid) – Health Digest

There are many valid reasons why a person could end up being late for a prior commitment. However, while it’s typically not a big deal to be tardy with an understanding friend, not being on time for a dental appointment can have grave consequences. As Dr. Lipari told Health Digest, when having a tooth extraction, it’s […]

5 mins read

Ultra Processed Foods – what are they and how can we avoid them?

What are Ultra Processed Foods? How do we spot them and how can we avoid them? Healthista spoke to Menopause Nutritionist from Menopause Brand Issviva Charlotte Hunter, who explains everything we need to know  Processed foods, often mistaken for usual suspects like hotdogs and French fries, are something we’ve heard about for years. However, there’s […]