November 7, 2023
Unique Body Positions That Can Clear That Pesky Frog In Your Throat – Health Digest
You can practice these postural drainage positions on the bed or on the floor. You’ll need a wedge pillow, a large stack of pillows, or a stability ball to elevate your hips. Set up the pillows (or ball) and drape your torso over them, face down. Your body should look like an inverted V with […]
Is There Any Truth To The ‘Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever’ Saying? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
When you get a fever, both calorie use and metabolism increase in your body, so it’s important to fuel it with the nutrients it needs, according to the clinical instructor of internal medicine at NYU Langone Health, Dr. Albert Ahn (via Health). “When you have a fever, it is essentially increasing your body’s temperature to fight […]
The 8 Most Common Intrusive Thoughts People Experience – Health Digest
Humans are sexual beings, and frequent thoughts of sexuality are perfectly natural. It’s common for people to have these thoughts completely out of the blue, and they aren’t anything to be ashamed of. But for some people, these thoughts can be quite distressing, especially when they are of explicit or taboo scenarios, including unwanted sexual […]
The Unexpected Reasons People Swear In Their Sleep – Health Digest
In the 2017 article, researchers analyzed over 200 French-speaking adults who experienced sleep talking on a regular basis. Some participants had additional sleep disorders including REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), sleepwalking, or night terrors. The researchers conducted patient interviews and used video and sound recordings to track patient sleep. The study team made note of […]
The Best Foods To Eat After Having Your Blood Drawn – Health Digest
Iron is an essential mineral needed for making hemoglobin, which is a protein found in red blood cells. It’s used to carry oxygen from your lungs to all the other areas of your body, according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. When you have your blood drawn, eating foods rich in […]