12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

What It Means When Your Poop Smells Like Metal – Health Digest

The source of poop’s metallic smell is likely iron (via My Crohns and Colitis Team). While excess consumption of iron — such as through supplementation — may be the cause, iron is also naturally found in our blood. Therefore, if you notice blood in your stool after a bowel movement, it likely means that it’s […]

1 min read

Think Twice Before Drinking V8 Juice And Fruit Juice Together – Health Digest

When you were young, you probably felt like you could eat or drink pretty much anything. But as you age, your stomach becomes more sensitive to certain kinds of foods and beverages. Take V8 fusion drinks, for instance; the fructose in the drinks could be leaving you with the runs. According to Harvard Health Publishing, diarrhea […]

1 min read

Why Is My Left Arm Tingling? – Health Digest

You’ve probably been bitten by a mosquito and felt the accompanying itch and irritation. You likely wanted to scratch like your life depended on it, because of your body’s reaction to the foreign invader’s saliva. An itchy arm is highly annoying, but it’s actually one of the more tame allergic reactions from a bite or […]

1 min read

Why Your Body Tingles Right Before Falling Asleep – Health Digest

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 301 million in 2019 were affected by anxiety disorders, including all sexes and ages. The WHO notes it’s normal for people to feel anxiety sometimes; in fact, it can save your life when you’re in danger. However, constant anxiety can impair your life. Those who experience anxiety disorder […]

2 mins read

What Happens To Your Hair When You Eat Peanut Butter Every Day – Health Digest

One of the reasons you might have taken peanut butter off the menu was to cut fat out of your life. There is no denying that peanut butter has fat (100 grams of peanut butter has 49 grams of total fat), but it’s essential to remember that not all fat is bad. Trans fats and […]