May 15, 2024
Avoid Taking Ibuprofen If You Have This Allergy – Health Digest
The diagnosis of an allergy to aspirin or ibuprofen is usually a clinical one. In other words, it is based on symptoms, which are usually easy to spot. While many allergies have definitive tests such as skin tests or blood tests that can be used to detect their presence, no such tests exist for NSAID […]
Men Over 50 Should Avoid Eating This Popular Breakfast Food – Health Digest
The American Heart Association suggests that men should limit their daily sugar intake to 36 grams a day. If you start your day with a Pop-Tart toaster pastry, you’ll already be at 42% of your limit. Although Pop-Tarts are relatively low in fat and have 3 grams of fiber, they have just 2 grams of protein. […]
When You Hold Your Pee, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest
Anyone who has desperately had to go to the bathroom knows that the urge to urinate can be a very painful experience. However, that pain can multiply exponentially if you feel the urge to go and ignore it for too long. According to Lake City Physical Therapy, holding in your urine can mess with the […]
Why Peanut Butter May Cause Skin Issues (Including Acne) – Health Digest
One potential reason that peanut butter might cause your face to fill with pimples lies not in the peanut butter itself, but in the heavy amounts of sugar that some brands contain. While natural peanut butter is low on the GI index with a GI of only 14, the situation changes when sugar is added […]
When You Eat Cashews Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Gut – Health Digest
Bluecinema/Getty Images A healthy gut means more than making sure your food properly digests without bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. According to UCLA Health, 70% of your immune system can be found in your gut as your immune cells work with the bacteria in your gut. That means your gut microbiome can influence your risk of […]
When You Have ‘Too Much’ Sex, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest
Most people feel tired after sex, thanks to the various hormones that are released during sex, including oxytocin, endorphins, and dopamine (via Practo). Additionally, other factors can come into play in the bedroom that might leave you feeling wiped out, according to The Health Site. Things like stress, alcohol, and, yes, too much sex without […]