May 24, 2024
When You Start Sleeping Naked, This Is What Happens To Your Skin – Health Digest
Temperature (how hot or cold you feel when snoozing) has an important role to play when it comes to how well you sleep. This is why we wake up if we feel too warm or too cold. Sleeping naked can promote good sleep by reducing your body temperature and helping you cool down. You will […]
Eat This Vegetable To Lower High Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure At The Same Time – Health Digest
While it may not be the first leafy green vegetable most of us reach for, Cleveland Clinic experts explain that cabbage can simultaneously lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Let’s take a look at cholesterol first. Researchers from a 2016 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that dietary supplementation of red […]
Anxiety Has A Little-Known Effect On Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest
WebMD explains that it’s not short-term stress and anxiety that puts our heart health at risk. In fact, this type of stress can help us overcome our challenges in life. Chronic stress, however, causes our stress hormones to remain high, placing a strain on our bodies including our hearts. High levels of the stress hormone […]