12 Mar, 2025
5 mins read

Biohacking – could strength training boost your brain power?

Could strength training boost your brain power? David Wiener, Training and Nutrition Specialist at AI-based fitness app Freeletics tells us everything you need to know about strength training for biohacking Put simply, brain biohacking means making small, additive lifestyle changes to enhance your overall mental health and long-term cognitive function and abilities. In recent years, […]

1 min read

Science Says This Sport Is Best For Increasing Life Expectancy – Health Digest

When you think of sports that will add to your life expectancy, swimming, running, and walking might be some of the first that pop into your head. However, according to a 2018 Danish study in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, it’s not the solitary sports that add the most time; it’s the social ones. Tennis was the […]

9 mins read

Selling Sunset star Vanessa Villela shares her secrets on maintaining her camera ready figure

Former Selling Sunset reality TV star Vanessa Villela shares her secrets with Healthista on how to maintain a camera ready figure Are you ready for season 6 of hit Netflix show Selling Sunset? We most certainly are. Healthista loves nothing better than a Netflix binge, so when we had the opportunity to interview Vanessa Villela […]

1 min read

The Best Drinks To Have After A Workout (That Aren’t Water) – Health Digest

If you love the sweet and nutty taste of coconut, coconut water can certainly be an option to rehydrate after a sweaty workout. And, with its natural electrolytes and digestive-friendly composition (no gut-wrenching sweeteners or additives), it may even be a better alternative to sports drinks. Chloride, sodium, and potassium are three essential electrolytes necessary […]

1 min read

Where Is Boost Oxygen From Shark Tank Season 11 Today? – Health Digest

Since their 2021 “Shark Tank” update episode, Boost Oxygen has still been booming, and shows no signs of slowing down. In a 2022 interview with John Rush on the “Rush To Reason” podcast, Neuner shared that Boost Oxygen had grown to be the most trusted supplemental oxygen brand sold on the market. Available through more […]

11 mins read

Yoga, Pilates, Barre – what’s the best workout for your Zodiac Sign?

Feeling unmotivated by your fitness plan? Here’s what PT and founder of Sculptrition Amanda Place says about which workout you should be doing according to your Zodiac sign The sun, moon, and the stars are all said to align with human nature in astrology. The personality trait that might encourage you to move countries on […]

1 min read

One Type Of Exercise Is Excellent For Your Skin, According To A New Study – Health Digest

The study compared aerobic training and resistance training in skin aging in inactive middle-aged women in Japan. They had half of the women use a stationary cycle twice a week, and the other half lifted weights twice a week. After 16 weeks, the researchers noted that both groups had improved the elasticity of their skin, […]

4 mins read

3 mistakes people make when trying to stay healthy on holiday – Healthista

F45 Trainer Jessica King reveals 3 mistakes people make when trying to stay healthy on holiday. She reveals how you can keep your exercise regime going whilst soaking up the sun, sea and sand Exercising on holiday can be hard to maintain, especially when you’re in vacation mode, making it easy to throw you off your […]

1 min read

Why You Should Eat Blueberries After A Workout – Health Digest

In a 2012 study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 10 physically active women consumed blueberry smoothies (or similar-calorie placebos) five and 10 hours before performing 300 single-leg extensions on an isokinetic machine. Additional smoothies were ingested immediately post-workout, as well as at 12 and 36 hours later. Researchers assessed recovery […]

1 min read

Don’t Make This Mistake When Doing Lower Ab Exercises – Health Digest

Your back can easily arch during any lower abdominal exercises that require you to lie on your back. Think about the hollow hold, where your arms are raised over your head while your legs are extended and raised at an angle to the floor. The closer your heels are to the floor, the more likely […]