Drinking Chocolate Milk Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Workout Recovery – Health Digest
New Africa/Shutterstock Imagine you’re at the end of an intense workout, and you’ve forgotten to restock your fridge with your usual recovery drink. Whoops. What should you do at that point? If you have the ingredients, consider whipping up some homemade chocolate milk. (Or, grab the premade type […]
The Biggest Diet Mistake That Can Wreck Your Metabolism Isn’t What You’d Expect – Health Digest
Pormezz/Shutterstock Social media offers plenty of conflicting diet advice that can easily leave you confused. One TikTok influencer could tell you to fast once a week for metabolic health, while someone on Instagram swears by eating several small meals a day to keep your metabolism stoked. You […]
When You Do Bulgarian Split Squats Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest
asi06/Shutterstock When it comes to leg day, you’ll often see gym-goers flocking to the leg press or squat rack to build those thick quads and powerful hamstrings. Others might be grinding out Romanian deadlifts to fire up their glutes and hamstrings. Meanwhile, you’ll spot plenty of people […]
Doing Wall Pilates Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Sleep – Health Digest
Hanna Taniukevich/Shutterstock More and more people are recognizing the importance of sleep for optimum health. Quality sleep improves your mood, metabolism, and immune system, and sleep specialists will often suggest creating a bedtime routine to help your body and mind wind down for sleep. You probably already know […]
The Simple Knee Exercise That Can Protect Your Overall Health After Turning 50 – Health Digest
Studio Romantic/Shutterstock One in four adults over age 65 falls each year, making it the leading cause of injury, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although falling might cause some bumps and bruises in younger people, falls can be potentially life-threatening among older adults. […]
Men Can Build Muscle Faster If They Have A Specific Body Type – Health Digest
Xijian/Getty Images Building up your muscle mass can offer numerous health benefits, including some that might not be obvious like better balance, an easier time managing your blood sugar, and an improvement in your mood and mental wellbeing. However, there’s just one hitch: Some men find it harder […]
The Popular Bicep Exercise That Can Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure – Health Digest
Inti St Clair/Getty Images File this one in the “strange but perhaps true” folder: The way you exercise your upper arms could possibly help lower your blood pressure reading at your next doctor’s appointment. And before you make any guesses about what the exercise is, be assured that it isn’t […]
The Intense Regimen Behind Ethan Suplee’s Life-Changing Transformation – Health Digest
Erika Goldring/Getty Images If you saw “Remember the Titans,” you’ll remember actor Ethan Suplee as offensive lineman Louie Lastik. Although offensive linemen are typically large to protect their quarterback, Suplee was the heaviest he had ever been. In fact, he had to weigh himself using a freight scale […]
Can A ‘Fart Walk’ Help With Healthy Aging? – Health Digest
Ariel Skelley/Getty Images Walking is one of the simplest ways for you to get your recommended 150 minutes of exercise each week to keep your heart healthy and bones strong. Taking a 30-minute walk every day is especially important as you age to lower your risk of chronic […]
Why Lifting Weights Can Increase Your Risk Of Hemorrhoids (And How To Prevent It) – Health Digest – Yuri A/Shutterstock While they’re seldom a serious cause for concern, hemorrhoids can nevertheless cause the sufferer an annoying level of discomfort or irritation, especially when they’re trying to do their business in the bathroom. Per Healthline, there are four kinds of hemorrhoids – internal, external, prolapsed, and thrombosed — and […]