October 29, 2023
What It Means If You Die In Your Dreams – Health Digest
Dying in your dreams doesn’t always mean you’re in the throes of a life transition, however. For some people, it can alternatively indicate anxiety around death itself — referred to medically as “thanatophobia,” explains the Cleveland Clinic. “The majority of human beings are relatively unsure about their own death,” Sumber told HuffPost. “[Many people] wonder when […]
Do The Health Benefits Of Using An Air Fryer Outweigh The Risks? What To Consider – Health Digest
One of the key features that make air fryers so popular is their nonstick coating, which prevents food from sticking to the basket and makes cleaning up a breeze. As a study published in 2022 in Science of The Total Environment highlights, cooking with nonstick coatings like Teflon, commonly used in air fryers and cookware, […]
Our Doctor’s Best Tips For Beating Post-Meal Fatigue – Health Digest
Singh says post-meal fatigue occurs for three reasons. “The first is that blood flow is diverted to your GI tract to help digest food and absorb nutrients which leaves less blood flow for the brain and muscles which can make you feel tired.” The second reason why you can become tired after a meal is […]
What It Means When You Wake Up With A Racing Heart – Health Digest
How much alcohol you might have had the night before could affect your morning heart rate. A 2020 meta-analysis in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that drinking a standard drink can elevate your heart rate by 5 beats per minute for up to six hours after drinking. Drinking more than that can increase […]
TikTok’s 5-Ingredient Popcorn Truffles Are Packed With Healthy Ingredients – Health Digest
Throw 3 cups of popcorn, 1 banana, 4 pitted Medjool dates, and a tablespoon of peanut butter into a blender and mix. “Pulse until the mixture resembles crumbs and sticks together,” shared Pavia. Remove the mixture from the blender and place it in a bowl. Using your fingers, form small balls with the mixture. “Place the balls […]
The Easy Core Exercise You Can Do While Brushing Your Teeth – Health Digest
Being able to balance on one leg can be a sign that you’re in good physical shape, added professor in aging and health at Glasgow Caledonian University, Dawn Skelton (via The Conversation). It can be indicative of a longer lifespan, less risk of falls, and brain health, according to the professor. “You are less likely to be able to […]