Drinking Chocolate Milk Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Workout Recovery – Health Digest
New Africa/Shutterstock Imagine you’re at the end of an intense workout, and you’ve forgotten to restock your fridge with your usual recovery drink. Whoops. What should you do at that point? If you have the ingredients, consider whipping up some homemade chocolate milk. (Or, grab the premade type […]
These 9 Foods Have An Unexpected Effect On Your Prostate Health – Health Digest
Marko Jan/Getty Images For men, taking care of the prostate is of paramount importance. It is a gland that you may not think of often, particularly if you’re young. However, the prostate’s location in the body — below the bladder and in front of the rectum — […]
Doing Wall Pilates Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Sleep – Health Digest
Hanna Taniukevich/Shutterstock More and more people are recognizing the importance of sleep for optimum health. Quality sleep improves your mood, metabolism, and immune system, and sleep specialists will often suggest creating a bedtime routine to help your body and mind wind down for sleep. You probably already know […]
Drinking Alcohol Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Blood Pressure (But Only Temporarily) – Health Digest
Westend61/Getty Images A difficult day at work can be so mentally and physically exhausting that all you want to do is come home and flop on the couch with a beer or a glass of wine. You’re too lazy to cook that healthy meal from your favorite […]
Sitting Too Much Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Prostate – Health Digest
Marco Vdm/Getty Images The prostate is a small gland that sits in front of the rectum and underneath the bladder. It’s the prostate’s anatomical position that leaves it vulnerable to pressure when a man is sitting down — and all that pressure can be more than just […]
Cholesterol Medication Can Have An Unexpected Effect On Your Sleep – Health Digest
Nomadnes/Getty Images As much as you try to watch what you eat and exercise to keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy range, your cholesterol levels tend to rise as you get older. If you haven’t noticed yet, your metabolism begins to slow in your 40s. That […]
Drinking Cranberry Juice Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Risk Of Lung Cancer – Health Digest
Blackcat/Getty Images Is cranberry juice a favorite daily drink? If so, you’re not just getting a flavorful beverage. You’re also potentially protecting yourself against future lung cancer. Although no single food can prevent cancer, some foods can lower your risk of developing cancer. And cranberries have shown […]
Eating Eggs Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Hydration – Health Digest
Enigma_images/Getty Images Getting enough water every day can seem like an impossible task, especially when you’re on the go from morning until night. As a result, about three-quarters of U.S. adults deal with the unpleasant side effects of dehydration (via StatPearls). And all those dehydration side effects […]
Eating Greek Yogurt Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Cholesterol – Health Digest
LightField Studios/Shutterstock If you like the taste, texture, and tang of yogurt, you’re probably a fan not just of regular yogurt but of Greek yogurt as well. Featuring a thicker consistency and distinctive tartness, Greek yogurt is a treat for your mouth and stomach. And it may […]
Rice Protein Powder Could Have An Unexpected Effect On Your Blood Pressure – Health Digest
BongkarnGraphic/Shutterstock Do you have hypertension? If so, you’re like nearly half of all adults in the U.S., according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, just because high blood pressure is common doesn’t make it any less problematic. After all, the CDC […]