The Underrated Vinegar That Can Lower Cholesterol And Protect You From Skin Cancer – Health Digest
Hispanolistic/Getty Images The vinegar you choose could give you more than a flavor kick. It could also help you avoid certain medical conditions. In fact, one underrated vinegar can reportedly lower cholesterol as well as reduce the development of certain cancers: red wine vinegar. To be sure, all […]
Why Do Skin Tags Form On Your Eyelids? – Health Digest
Bymuratdeniz/Getty Images If you’ve noticed an unusual growth on your eyelid, it’s possible that you might have a skin tag. The American Academy of Dermatology Association describes skin tags, also known as “acrochordons,” as harmless skin growths. They further state that the color of skin tags may vary with some […]
Relieve Your Painful Sunburned Skin With An Ingredient You Already Have – Health Digest
Pattarisara Suvichanarakul/Getty Images Sunburns can be nasty and they’re not always limited to your skin turning red and some light peeling thereafter. Sometimes, your inflamed and red skin can form blisters. Pain, itching, skin that feels warm to the touch, swelling, fever, nausea, fatigue, and irritated eyes are […]
Warning Signs Your Pale Skin Is Actually Prostate Cancer – Health Digest
Prostate cancer typically has four stages, although the exact clinical definitions and descriptions have subbranches under each. Stages one and two have to do with progressive stages of the tumor within the prostate gland. Stages three and four mean that the tumor’s growth and effects have spanned outside of the walnut-shaped gland. At stage four, […]
Can High Cholesterol Cause Skin Tags? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
As explained by general practitioner specializing in dermatology, Dr. Finbar McGrady, via YouTube, metabolic syndrome is like the perfect storm that wreaks havoc on your body. Abdominal obesity, elevated levels of triglycerides, low levels of “good” cholesterol or high-density lipoproteins (HDLs), high blood pressure, and elevated levels of fasting blood sugar coming together in metabolic […]
When You Start Sleeping Naked, This Is What Happens To Your Skin – Health Digest
Temperature (how hot or cold you feel when snoozing) has an important role to play when it comes to how well you sleep. This is why we wake up if we feel too warm or too cold. Sleeping naked can promote good sleep by reducing your body temperature and helping you cool down. You will […]
Why Peanut Butter May Cause Skin Issues (Including Acne) – Health Digest
One potential reason that peanut butter might cause your face to fill with pimples lies not in the peanut butter itself, but in the heavy amounts of sugar that some brands contain. While natural peanut butter is low on the GI index with a GI of only 14, the situation changes when sugar is added […]
13 steps to perfect summer skin – Healthista – Healthista
Sunshine, sweaty temperatures and air-conditioning aren’t exactly your skin’s best friend. Skin and beauty expert Karen J. Gerrard reveals 13 steps to perfect summer skin There’s nothing like a warm summers day to increase our energy levels and boost our mood – but the toll on our skin can be irrevocable if it’s not protected. […]
We Tried The Viral Diaper Cream Hack To Heal Dry Skin. Here’s What Happened – Health Digest
Firstly, I didn’t want to risk breaking out into pimples by applying the thick cream all over the sensitive skin on my face. Per experts, most diaper creams contain occlusive ingredients that are great for soothing dry skin and locking in hydration, but they can be problematic for acne-prone skin because they’re comedogenic (highly likely to clog your […]
What Happens If Lube Makes Your Skin Irritated – Health Digest
Certain ingredients in lube are known to cause yeast infections in some people, especially if you have sensitive skin. Examples include glycerin, nonoxynol-9, propylene glycol, chlorhexidine gluconate, and petroleum-based products. According to Dr. Jamil Abdur-Rahman, a board-certified OB/GYN and chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at Vista East Medical Center in Waukegan, Illinois, “Glycerin is a metabolic byproduct of sugar, which […]