12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

The Unexpected Reason You’re Having Difficulty Breathing – Health Digest

Two brain areas are responsible for respiration and they reside in the lower brain stem. A study published in 2017 in The Journal of Physiological Sciences explains that one respiratory center, which is involved in minute-to-minute control of breathing, is located in the medulla oblongata. The other respiratory center is the pons, which is located just […]

1 min read

What It Means When Coughing Makes You Poop – Health Digest

1 in 12 adults is estimated to experience fecal incontinence, reports Cedars-Sinai. The condition is more often seen in women and older adults. If you experience anal leakage when coughing, it may be related to hemorrhoids or a bout of constipation or diarrhea. In other cases, fecal incontinence may be linked to a chronic health […]

1 min read

The Scientific Reason Sex Is Better In A Hotel – Health Digest

You know how a change of scenery and trying new things like food and experiences can promote a feeling of expansion within you? You feel yourself taking in all the newness and challenging yourself to grow as a person. This could be one of the reasons why sex is better at a hotel, shared psychologist and […]

1 min read

How Much Water You Should Drink Daily If You Want To Lose Weight – Health Digest

You might already order soup or a salad at a restaurant before your main entree, but this practice helps you eat less at your meals. You can also do this “preloading” with water. According to a 2018 article in Clinical Nutrition Research, when people drank 300 milliliters (about 10 ounces) of water before a meal, […]

1 min read

Eat Breakfast For Dinner To Fall Asleep In Record Time – Health Digest

Breakfast plates at hotels and restaurants usually come loaded with fruits. Turns out that the fiber-rich fruits we consume in the mornings can also help us get a good night’s rest. “Fiber helps keep blood sugar steady for longer periods of time, so you can avoid the spikes and crashes that send energy levels on a […]

1 min read

What It Means When Your Body Feels Weak After Pooping – Health Digest

Sometimes, we may strain ourselves to the point of physical collapse during a bowel movement. Known as defecation syncope, this occurs when a person passes out from pushing too hard while pooping. While little is known about the condition, cardiologist and syncope researcher Dr. Robert Sheldo told CTV News that defecation syncope accounts for up […]

1 min read

Do This With Your Toes To Fall Asleep Fast – Health Digest

To help yourself hit the hay without the aid of medications or gadgets, try laying back in bed and curling your toes down towards your feet. Hold this position for a few seconds before releasing the tension, and repeat as needed. According to Mattress Advisor, the repetitive motion of curling and releasing your toes physically […]

1 min read

Weird Reasons You Only Cough At Night – Health Digest

Postnasal drip occurs when excess mucus accumulates in the back of the throat; and allergies, respiratory infections, or sinus issues can trigger it. During the day, we naturally clear mucus from our throats by swallowing. However, at night, this process becomes less efficient.  A few factors contribute to postnasal drip-induced coughing at night. When we […]

1 min read

How Much Weight Can You Really Lose While You Sleep? – Health Digest

Everything from your metabolism, hunger hormone, and stress response is influenced by how much and how well you sleep. And these factors all contribute toward maintaining a healthy weight. According to double board-certified clinical psychologist and clinical sleep specialist, Dr. Michael J. Breus (via Sleep Doctor), a slowing down of metabolism is one effect of sleep deprivation. “There’s […]

1 min read

The Liquid You Should Take Your Ibuprofen With (And It’s Not Water) – Health Digest

While ibuprofen offers many benefits when it comes to pain relief, it can simultaneously have negative effects on our stomach. NSAIDs aggravate our stomach lining by hindering the production of certain enzymes critical to its protection (via Creaky Joints). While blocking these enzymes helps minimize pain and inflammation, it can also lead to a mild […]