12 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

Can You Get Norovirus More Than Once? We Explain – Health Digest

M-gucci/Getty Images If you’re hearing a lot about norovirus, it’s because there are more norovirus outbreaks spanning the United States in the 2024-2025 season than in the past decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Norovirus outbreaks are more likely to occur in places […]

4 mins read

James Conner’s Cancer Diagnosis Explained (And How He Overcame It) – Health Digest

Brooke Sutton/Getty Images In December 2015, professional football running back James Conner was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. At the time of his diagnosis, Conner was just 20 years old and had yet to begin his professional football career. While everyone who’s diagnosed with cancer deals with the […]

4 mins read

Can Hand Sanitizer Prevent The Spread Of Norovirus? We Explain – Health Digest

Andreswd/Getty Images If you’ve ever come down with a stomach flu, many times it’s due to the norovirus. Norovirus isn’t really a flu, although it’s also highly contagious. The flu comes from an influenza virus and spreads when you inhale or touch infected respiratory droplets. The norovirus […]

4 mins read

What Happens To Your Body When You Take Melatonin And Ibuprofen At The Same Time – Health Digest

Julpo/Getty Images Melatonin and ibuprofen are two commonly used over-the-counter choices for temporary relief. Melatonin is known as a sleep supplement, but it doesn’t work as a sedative like a sleep aid. Instead, melatonin helps your body recalibrate your sleep/wake cycle. Unlike painkillers like opioids that block […]

5 mins read

The Hidden Dangers Of Having Sex In The Shower – Health Digest

Katarzynabialasiewicz/Getty Images If we’re to believe what we see in movies, the shower is the hottest, most delicious place on the planet to have sex. From the perfect amount of steam that makes seeing a bit difficult, to the small, confined location that doesn’t allow for much […]

4 mins read

Sitting Too Much Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Prostate – Health Digest

Marco Vdm/Getty Images The prostate is a small gland that sits in front of the rectum and underneath the bladder. It’s the prostate’s anatomical position that leaves it vulnerable to pressure when a man is sitting down — and all that pressure can be more than just […]

3 mins read

Cholesterol Medication Can Have An Unexpected Effect On Your Sleep – Health Digest

Nomadnes/Getty Images As much as you try to watch what you eat and exercise to keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy range, your cholesterol levels tend to rise as you get older. If you haven’t noticed yet, your metabolism begins to slow in your 40s. That […]

4 mins read

The Blood Type That Increases Your Risk Of Getting E. Coli – Health Digest

Xavier Lorenzo/Getty Images E. coli, short for Escherichia coli, is a type of bacteria that can mess with your gut or urinary tract. Depending on the strain, it might cause diarrhea or that awful burning feeling when you pee. While some E. coli strains are actually helpful […]

4 mins read

What Happens To Your Life Expectancy After An Alzheimer’s Diagnosis – Health Digest

Momo Productions/Getty Images Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 7 million adults in the United States, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s you should never ignore include problems concentrating, getting lost while driving to familiar locations, and difficulty finding words in conversations. These symptoms can […]

4 mins read

Who Makes Kirkland Signature Sleep Aid, And Is It Good For You? – Health Digest

Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock Regardless of how well you stick to your sleep routine, sometimes you need a little help from a sleep aid when life is a little chaotic. Sleep supplements like melatonin help your body settle into a more consistent sleep/wake cycle, and minerals like magnesium help relax […]