Is Drinking Milk Good Or Bad For Your Eyes? What The Experts Say – Health Digest
There are not a lot of studies out there directly linking bad eye health to saturated fat content in milk. One 2020 study published in the International Journal of Cardiology Hypertension looked at the possible association between excessive milk consumption and carotid atherosclerosis (carotid artery disease) and found a link in the elderly population surveyed […]
Is Daydreaming Good For You? – Health Digest
It might sound counterintuitive — to ask someone to let their mind wander so that they can focus better — but this is exactly what daydreaming can do for you, according to neuroscience and positive psychology professional and professor Brynn Winegard. Think about that time when your mind drifted from a tedious task you were focused on and started […]
14 Processed Foods That Are Actually Good For You – Health Digest
Plastic containers of hummus are regular offerings in the pre-packaged and prepared foods section of many grocery stores. Does that mean you shouldn’t eat them? Quite the contrary. Hummus is primarily made from mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon juice, garlic, and olive oil, all of which are nutritious ingredients that contribute to good health. Hummus […]
Are Frozen Waffles Good For You? What To Consider – Health Digest
A healthy frozen waffle should be made with whole grains and have a few grams of fiber. Some brands might be enriched with vitamins and minerals, but they also might have added sugar. For example, Kellogg’s Eggo Chocolatey Chip Waffles have 20% of your daily value of calcium, iron, and vitamin A, and you’ll also […]
Is This Decadent TikTok Protein Dessert Actually Good For You? What To Consider – Health Digest
While whipped topping generally contains fewer calories and fat than whipped cream, this doesn’t mean you can ignore the other ingredients in this product, especially the hydrogenated oils and high-fructose corn syrup. The Great Value Whipped Topping that Coen uses has 0 trans fat even though it contains hydrogenated vegetable oil. This is likely because the oil is […]
Is Canned Tomato Soup Good For You? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
The big benefit of tomatoes is the carotenoid and antioxidant lycopene, which gives the tomato its beautiful red color, according to a 2019 article in The Pharma Innovation Journal. If you consume tomatoes with some sort of fat, it makes the lycopene more easily absorbed by the body. Lycopene may also be able to lower […]
Are RXBARs Actually Good For You? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
Prostock-studio/Shutterstock Sometimes lunchtime can seem so far away, especially when your energy is dragging through your morning meeting. Sure, you can grab those day-old danishes on the platter in front of you — but you know they’ll just spike your blood sugar and make you feel worse later. The vending machines might give you some different […]