The Leading Cause Of Death In Indiana Isn’t A Surprise – Health Digest
Sukanya Sitthikongsak/Getty Images The average life expectancy in the United States is 77, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but you could live longer or shorter depending on several factors. Your diet can significantly affect your longevity, so consuming highly processed foods and drinks […]
America’s Unhealthiest Burger Isn’t From McDonald’s, According To A New Report – Health Digest
Mihailomilovanovic/Getty Images When it comes to fast food, McDonald’s is usually the first to come to mind. Although some fast food menu items are relatively good for you, sometimes you crave an unhealthy Big Mac and a side of fries. (Read what happens when you eat fast food every […]
This Popular Yogurt Brand Isn’t As Healthy As You Thought – Health Digest
Stonyfield’s Organic Chocolate Underground yogurt cups are fat-free, which might get you to snatch them off the shelf. Who wouldn’t want fat-free chocolate? A 150-gram tub (about 5 ounces) of this yogurt is just 110 calories and not a trace of fat or cholesterol. It’s also low in sodium and provides 200 milligrams of calcium. […]
Warning Signs Your Opened Carton Of Almond Milk Isn’t Safe To Drink – Health Digest
Similar to dairy milk, if it looks funky or smells bad, those are two surefire warning signs your carton of almond milk belongs in the trash. “Signs of spoilage include discoloration or foul odor. It can get lumpy or develop specks of mold,” registered dietitian nutritionist Dana Angelo White told Food Network in a discussion […]
The Ideal Age Gap For A Healthy Sex Life Isn’t What You’d Expect – Health Digest
An older 2012 study focused on couples from Hong Kong and published in The Journal of Sex Research noted a 2- to 4-year age gap (where the husband was older) as being the best in terms of sexual satisfaction for men. Despite such research, experts maintain that these disparities and how they affect your sex life cannot […]
Can Cashews Help You Lose Weight? The Answer Isn’t What You’d Expect – Health Digest
According to United States Department of Agriculture researcher David Baer, who co-authored 2019 study, the difference in calories could be attributed to the fact that not all of the calories in cashews are digested by the human body — especially those in the cell walls of the nuts. “Until we break open that cell wall, the […]
The Best Carbohydrate To Help You Poop Isn’t What You’d Expect – Health Digest
You’ve probably read enough to know that fiber makes you poop. And split peas pack a punch when it comes to fiber: 1 cup contains as much as 43.5 grams of dietary fiber, per the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Split peas have both the soluble and insoluble kinds. Both of these kinds of fibers perform […]
This Canned Protein Isn’t As Healthy As You Thought – Health Digest
The USDA reports that in one 5-ounce can of chicken without the broth, there’s 602 milligrams of sodium. If you were to compare the sodium content of 100 grams of canned chicken to a same-sized serving of cooked-from-raw chicken breast with no skin, there’s over a 100-milligram difference between the two. There are 482 milligrams […]
The Hydrating Beverage That Can Help You Poop Instantly (And It Isn’t Water) – Health Digest
The internet is obsessed with poop tricks, which is why we tried the DIY squatty potty to poop instantly. Anything natural that has a laxative effect is seemingly popular. Although it’s not officially marketed as a laxative, coconut water contains the osmotic laxatives magnesium and potassium. These minerals work by pulling water to your stools, making them soft and […]
The Surprisingly Healthy Beverage You Can Pick Up At A Vending Machine (That Isn’t Water) – Health Digest
Unsweetened iced tea is a delightful beverage that has a clean and refreshing taste. It is a healthier alternative to sugary drinks, made with only two essential ingredients: tea leaves and water. The tea leaves’ quality is crucial to achieving a perfect brew. Typically, black or green tea leaves (per Good Housekeeping) are steeped in hot […]