12 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

The Unique Type Of Pasta That Has More Protein Than Eggs – Health Digest

Westend61/Getty Images “Should I eat pasta regularly?” It’s a question asked by many people who want to get the most nutritional value from every food or meal. Many pastas are carbohydrate-heavy but light in other nutrients. However, there’s a unique kind of pasta that contains tons of […]

3 mins read

When You Eat Pasta Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Cholesterol – Health Digest

Blackcat/Getty Images Whether you’re “carb loading” for a hike the next day, actively looking for alternatives to rice and bread, or simply trying to satisfy those pesky cravings, it’s easy to go overboard on pasta, especially if you have a habit of eating it every day. The commonly accepted […]

1 min read

The Healthiest Way To Eat Pasta If You’re 50 Or Older – Health Digest

Pasta has a GI of 50, which is considered low, but that doesn’t mean it has little impact on your blood sugar. Glycemic load (GL) considers how much carbohydrate is in a portion of the food, so a larger serving of a low GI food can still cause your blood sugar to rise. Pasta has […]

1 min read

Avoid Eating Pasta If This Is Happening To Your Body – Health Digest

While whole wheat pasta is technically processed, it is only minimally processed so it is still quite nutritious. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, a cup of cooked whole wheat spaghetti is very low in fat and sugar. It also contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, it contains 6.3 grams […]

1 min read

The Ingredient In Store-Bought Pasta Sauce That Can Raise Your Bad Cholesterol – Health Digest

High-fructose corn syrup, which is an artificial sugar made from corn syrup, is not very different from regular table sugar in its makeup, although the former typically contains a higher percentage of fructose when compared to glucose  — sometimes as much as 55%.  While all types of sugar consumed in excess are bad for you, the problem […]

1 min read

Turns Out Leftover Pasta Can Be Deadly. What We Know – Health Digest

Bacillus cereus (B. cereus) is a type of bacteria that can cause food poisoning. It is found in soil and food and can survive in cooked food. B. cereus food poisoning can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), pasta is often associated with B. cereus food poisoning, primarily because […]

1 min read

Everything That’s Not Healthy About Eating Veggie Pasta – Health Digest

Research suggests that Americans consume some 20 pounds of pasta per person every year. Many of them seek out alternatives, but the nutrients associated with some types of veggie pastas may surprise you. Many are higher in calories than you expect, or contain significantly less fiber than you hope. If you’re watching what you eat […]