November 3, 2023
Does Someone Know When They’re About To Die? – Health Digest
Penny Smith, who’s passionate about end-of-life advocacy and normalization of death, thinks that people who are close to death sometimes tell us that their time on earth has come to an end. “They might say, in no uncertain terms, ‘I’m dying soon,’ but often they tell us in metaphors,” she added. They might say things like, […]
Brooke Shields Explains The Scary Reality Of Drinking Too Much Water After Suffering A Seizure – Health Digest
Shields described the severity of symptoms she experienced during the seizure, including frothing at the mouth, skin turning blue, and attempting to swallow her tongue. “The next thing I remember, [I’m] being loaded into an ambulance. I have oxygen on,” she tells Glamour, adding that actor Bradley Cooper rode alongside her in the ambulance on […]
This Type Of Protein Powder Won’t Help You Build Muscle – Health Digest
Amino acids can be classified into three groups: essential, non-essential, and conditional (per Healthline). Essential amino acids are crucial for muscle growth since the body cannot produce them on its own. You can get them through dietary intake or supplements as recommended. Among these essential amino acids, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are especially important when […]
Everything That’s Not Healthy About Eating Veggie Pasta – Health Digest
Research suggests that Americans consume some 20 pounds of pasta per person every year. Many of them seek out alternatives, but the nutrients associated with some types of veggie pastas may surprise you. Many are higher in calories than you expect, or contain significantly less fiber than you hope. If you’re watching what you eat […]
What It Means When You Cough Up Mucus – Health Digest
According to the NHS, respiratory infections affect the throat, sinuses, lungs, and airways and can include symptoms like cough with yellow, green, or brown phlegm; sneezing; stuffy nose; sore throat; headaches; fever; body aches; wheezing; and malaise. The specific symptoms you experience depend on the cause. For example, the common cold is caused by a […]
If You Don’t Eat Enough Protein, This Is What Happens To Your Weight – Health Digest
Protein also helps your body recover from illness, according to the London Health Sciences Centre. When you’re sick, you quickly deplete your levels of albumin, which is typically the most abundant type of protein in your body. Doctors know the severity of your illness depending on your albumin levels. While protein will pull water through […]