December 9, 2023
Why We Rarely Wake Up To Poop In The Middle Of The Night – Health Digest
For some people, however, middle-of-the-night poops aren’t so rare. If you’re someone who enjoys certain foods like hot peppers, a greasy cheeseburger, coffee, or dairy, you may find yourself waking up and sprinting for the bathroom as these foods can prompt gastrointestinal issues. Certain health conditions can also make us prone to pooping after hours. […]
Why You Should Think Twice Before Eating Diet Snacks On An Empty Stomach – Health Digest
Don’t be fooled by the packaging that gives the idea that you’re eating something healthy. Diet snack packs are still processed food items (via Delish). Plus, cookies and other such food items are made with refined flour, notes WebMD, which is linked to weight gain, insulin resistance, and inflammation of the gut. Anything processed also comes with […]
Ways You Can Actually Attract People That You’d Never Guess – Health Digest
Thinking you might be attracted to a body type like your mother or father might have you shaking your head. But, Elayne Savage, psychotherapist, told CNN, “When you grow up familiar with a certain type of person, you’re attracted to that same type of person because it feels comfortable, whether you like it or not.” […]
You’re More Likely To Have A Heart Attack During This Time Of Year – Health Digest
From cooking to shopping, hosting, traveling, and more, it’s easy to become distracted and forget to get in those 8 glasses of water each day. “The holidays are a busy, often stressful, time for many of us,” Dr. Mitchell S.V. Elkind, American Heart Association Chief Clinical Science Officer, told the AHA Newsroom. “Routines are disrupted; […]
The Scientific Reason Movie Theater Food Cravings Are Hard To Control – Health Digest
According to a 2013 four-part study conducted by the Association for Consumer Research, we are more likely to reach for unhealthy food when seated in a dimly lit environment. When given the choice between a fruit cup or a cheesecake slice, participants seated around a table reached more often for the cheesecake when surrounded by […]