Holiday Foods To Avoid Eating If You Have Poop Problems – Health Digest
PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock The holiday season brings many social gatherings that tempt you to eat foods you wouldn’t touch during other times of the year. Rich eggnog, sugar cookies, and creamy cheeses may delight your taste buds, but your digestive system can often protest hours later, […]
Why Sourdough Could Be The Best Type Of Bread To Eat If You Have Poop Troubles – Health Digest
Sigrid Gombert/Getty Images As you’re looking through the options of fresh-baked bread at the bakery, many of the breads look alike on the outside. Most are crusty on the outside and somewhat tender on the inside. Sourdough bread distinguishes itself from other types of bread by how […]
The Most Common Poop Troubles For Men And Women Over 50 – Health Digest
Laylabird/Getty Images As we get older, our bodies begin to slow down. Not only do we move a bit slower than we once did, fully knowing that we’ll get even slower with time, but our insides don’t have the pep that they once did. When this happens, […]
The Poop Symptom That Could Mean A Man Has Prostate Cancer – Health Digest
Thomas Barwick/Getty Images Prostate cancer ranks as the second highest type of cancer among men, next to skin cancer. Although one out of every eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, more than half of those diagnoses occur in men over 65, according to the American […]
One Of The Healthiest Vegetables You Can Eat Will Boost Heart Health, Improve Sleep, And Help You Poop – Health Digest
Momo Productions/Getty Images Pizza and ice cream might be your go-to comfort food, but sticking to foods like these can bring discomfort to your body in terms of chronic disease and inflammation. On the other hand, a diet rich in nutrient-packed vegetables supports your immune system to […]
The Best Fruit Juices You Should Drink To Poop Fast – Health Digest
Daniel De La Hoz/Getty Images Everyone’s poop schedule is different. You might be someone who routinely poops in the morning, or your bathroom time might be right after dinner. While an occasional missed poop is normal, it can feel uncomfortable, especially if you don’t poop for a day […]
Poop Faster With This Little-Known Sitting Position – Health Digest
Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock Even though most people don’t like to talk about it, constipation is fairly common. So common, in fact, that according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, 4 million Americans live with frequent constipation and 2.5 million people in the U.S. end up having to visit their doctor every […]
The Underrated Fruit Juice That Can Help You Poop Fast – Health Digest
Eric Mwazo / 500px/Getty Images Constipation affects everyone from time to time. Your travel schedule, not eating enough fiber, or even your medications could trigger a stoppage in your poop habit. That can leave you feeling bloated and sluggish. While it’s normal to miss a routine poop every […]
Why You Should Skip The Poop Facial At All Costs (Despite The Obvious) – Health Digest
Fizkes/Shutterstock You’ve read that right. Brazilian model Debora Peixoto posted a reel on Instagram featuring her smearing her own poop on her face. She wrote, “I saw a study about it and decided to try it! It worked for me, my skin stopped flaking!” She pulls a small […]
The Best Potassium-Rich Foods That Can Also Help You Poop Fast – Health Digest
Lwa/dann Tardif/Getty Images With most Americans eating too much sodium, people need to include more potassium-rich foods in their diets. Potassium works to move out excess sodium from your body and relax your blood vessels, which helps to lower your blood pressure. That’s why many potassium-rich foods are […]