When You Stop Having Sex, This Is What Happens To Your Prostate – Health Digest
A prostate is a part of a man’s reproductive system. It performs the all-important task of producing the fluid that keeps sperm healthy and also transports sperm to where it needs to go. When a man ejaculates during sex, sperm travels via the urethra to exit the body. The idea is that carcinogens have a way of naturally building […]
How Deadly Is Prostate Cancer? – Health Digest
With treatment, individuals diagnosed with stages 1 through 3 of prostate cancer will likely be in complete remission within five years, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. During this five-year period, the odds of survival are about the equivalent of that of a man who does not have prostate cancer. The relative survival rate for prostate […]
Sneaky Signs You Might Have Prostate Cancer – Health Digest
Contrary to what you may think, prostate cancer is treatable and in some cases won’t even require treatment. When detected early and when contained within the prostate, your treatment programs have a higher chance of being successful. That being said, there are more aggressive forms of this cancer that can spread quickly. If you’re over […]