October 2, 2023
What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Too Much Protein Right Before Going To Sleep – Health Digest
Your body is made in such a way that when it’s gearing down for rest, things like digestion and insulin sensitivity change. “When you eat late at night, you’re going against your body’s circadian rhythm,” explained registered dietitian Alexis Supan (via Cleveland Clinic). While insulin sensitivity is on alert during the day to help your body get through […]
Food Additives That Are Banned In Europe (But Not In The United States) – Health Digest
Titanium dioxide (also known as E171) has been a staple food additive for decades, primarily used to impart a vibrant white color to various foods, ranging from baked goods and sandwich spreads (think mayo) to soups, sauces, and salad dressings. However, recent developments have led to its banning as a food additive by the European […]
How Walking Can Predict Your Risk Of Dying From Heart Disease – Health Digest
Other studies have found similar results. A 2006 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that walking at an average pace can reduce your risk of dying from heart disease by 24% compared to slow walkers. Even though these studies asked people to make their best guess of their walking pace, the six-minute walk […]
Easy Ways To Boost Your Immunity – Health Digest
The hands are one of the most common ways infections are transmitted. Your hands come into contact with myriad surfaces teeming with bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms throughout the day. When you touch your face, consume food, or engage in physical contact with others, there’s a risk of transmitting these germs into your body. Hand […]
What It Means When Eating A Banana Makes You Gag – Health Digest
You could experience a hypersensitive gag reflex for several reasons, according to the National Library of Medicine. Sometimes the gag reflex is triggered by something physical, such as the sticky texture of bananas. Anxiety could trigger the gag reflex, which could partially explain why some people will experience a hypersensitive gag reflex even before a […]
Here’s How Much Protein You Should Eat After A Workout To Optimize Muscle Gain – Health Digest
How much protein you’ll need after your workout depends on your body weight. The International Society of Sports Nutrition article suggests 0.25 to 0.40 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight. If you weigh 150 pounds, that’s 17 to 27 grams of protein to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. While a hard muscle-building workout […]