12 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

One Of Your Favorite Green Legumes Is High In A Vitamin That Can Naturally Lower Cholesterol – Health Digest

Puhimec/Getty Images Although your body needs cholesterol to provide structure to your cells and produce hormones, too much cholesterol can clog your arteries. High cholesterol can lead to heart disease and stroke. Foods rich in saturated fats such as processed meats, snack foods, fast food, and packaged […]

5 mins read

Eating Egg Whites Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Kidney Health – Health Digest

Manny Rodriguez/Getty Images According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 35.5 million U.S. adults are living with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and 90% of those people aren’t even aware that they have it. If kidney disease is left untreated, it not only affects the kidney’s […]

4 mins read

What Happens To Your Cholesterol When You Skip Breakfast – Health Digest

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Bobex-73/Getty Images For some people, breakfast might seem like a waste of time when they’re rushing in the morning to get to work. If they have breakfast at all, it might be a quick cup of coffee […]

3 mins read

The Cruciferous Vegetable That Can Lower Blood Pressure And Reduce Your Cancer Risk At The Same Time – Health Digest

Noel Hendrickson/Getty Images Cruciferous vegetables are worth adding to your diet. However, there’s one beneficial cruciferous vegetable that stands out if you’re trying to control your blood pressure and lower your risk of cancer: bok choy. Bok choy is brimming with nutritional attributes. A cup of bok choy […]

18 mins read

9 Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer Explained – Health Digest

Maskot/Getty Images People assigned male at birth (AMAB) are born with a walnut-sized gland called the prostate located under the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is one of the internal parts of the male reproductive system, along with the vas deference, ejaculatory ducts, urethra, […]