Drinking Orange Juice Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Kidney Stone Risk – Health Digest
Morsa Images/Getty Images A glass of orange juice rounds out many people’s breakfast each morning with more than a day’s supply of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant to support your immune system. Orange juice is also a good source of potassium (and low in sodium) […]
When You Drink Orange Juice For Breakfast, This Is What Happens To Your Cholesterol – Health Digest
Impact Photography/Shutterstock Nothing goes better with a breakfast plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes than a tall glass of orange juice. According to experts at Hartford HealthCare, orange juice may lower one’s risk for chronic diseases, reduce inflammation, and make one less susceptible to kidney stones. Researchers from […]
We Tried TikTok’s Spicy Orange Hack To Poop Instantly. Here’s How It Went – Health Digest
There’s a reason behind choosing the three ingredients, according to TikTok user Bethany Ugarte-Cameron. Oranges, a low FODMAP fruit considered safe for people with IBS, contain naringenin, a natural flavonoid thought to have laxative properties. In fact, a 2018 study done on mice and published in the International Journal of Molecular Medicine found that naringenin was positively associated with […]
What It Means When You’re Craving Orange Juice – Health Digest
There are a lot of different reasons why a food craving could strike, like boredom or deprivation. Erin Morse, chief clinical dietitian at UCLA Health, told WebMD, “Hunger is the need for food for fuel, for nutrition, for all the good things that our bodies and our brains need. [Cravings are] our bodies are telling […]