12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

Serious Signs That You’re Allergic To Marijuana – Health Digest

Signs of a marijuana allergy are very similar to any other kind of allergy, according to Dr. Rachna Patel. “It could include things like sore or itchy throat, stuffy nose, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, swelling, red and teary eyes, rash, hives, bronchitis, and asthma,” explained the cannabis expert. Contact dermatitis caused by touching weed can […]

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You’re More Likely To Have A Heart Attack During This Time Of Year – Health Digest

From cooking to shopping, hosting, traveling, and more, it’s easy to become distracted and forget to get in those 8 glasses of water each day. “The holidays are a busy, often stressful, time for many of us,” Dr. Mitchell S.V. Elkind, American Heart Association Chief Clinical Science Officer, told the AHA Newsroom. “Routines are disrupted; […]

1 min read

You’re Not The Same After The Pandemic – Health Digest

The COVID pandemic left a lot of us feeling isolated, alone, and unsure of where to turn for help. And, unlike Will Smith in “I Am Legend,” we weren’t just hanging out with our dogs and memorizing dialogue from “Shrek.” The World Health Organization reports that the pandemic made people feel disconnected from their communities […]

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Why You Crave Thanksgiving Dessert (Even When You’re Beyond Full) – Health Digest

You’ve eaten your fill of mashed potatoes and gravy. Your belt has become undone, and you’re basking in the glory of a stomach filled with fantastic food. However, when you hear the word dessert, your interest is piqued due to sensory-specific satiety. Professor Len Epstein explained this phenomenon to Live Science: “Part of the reason why […]

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What It Means When You’re Craving Exercise – Health Digest

Melissa Ertl, Ph.D., is a psychologist and postdoctoral research fellow at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University Irving Medical Center. She defines exercise addiction as the “craving of physical activity that results in extreme exercise that significantly interferes with important activities, occurs at inappropriate times or in inappropriate settings, or occurs despite […]

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Why You’re More Likely To Have Nightmares During The Holiday Season – Health Digest

Dr. Kelly Bulkeley, author, religion psychologist, dream researcher, and director of the Sleep and Dream Database (SDDb) archives, wrote via Psychology Today about the different dreams people have around Christmas time. She noted that although these particular anecdotes pulled from the Sleep and Dream Database focus on Christianity-based holidays, holiday-related dreams are thought to be […]

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The Unexpected Reason You’re Having Difficulty Breathing – Health Digest

Two brain areas are responsible for respiration and they reside in the lower brain stem. A study published in 2017 in The Journal of Physiological Sciences explains that one respiratory center, which is involved in minute-to-minute control of breathing, is located in the medulla oblongata. The other respiratory center is the pons, which is located just […]

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Signs You’re Suffering From Exercise Intolerance – Health Digest

At the cellular level, muscles rely on efficient energy production for contraction and function. With exercise intolerance, there can be a problem with the metabolic pathways, specifically in the mitochondria, which are the energy powerhouses of the cell. This can result in decreased ATP production, the primary energy currency for muscle contraction. The outcome? Muscle […]

1 min read

Why You May Get A Headache When You’re Constipated – Health Digest

The researchers also drew a potential connection between one’s mental health and the dual presence of headache and constipation, as increased prevalence rates of depressive disorders have been reported in people with both conditions (via Korean Journal of Pediatrics). Finally, the study team presented the possibility that the increased release of serotonin may play a […]