February 25, 2024
Do This With Your Feet To Reduce Those Annoying Middle-Of-The-Night Bathroom Breaks – Health Digest
Peopleimages/Getty Images Sometimes, a pesky middle-of-the-night bathroom trip can be easily explained. Maybe you drank a good bit of water or enjoyed a salty snack shortly before bedtime, both of which can have you running for the toilet. Other times, the cause of a midnight bathroom break isn’t so obvious. In these instances, you may […]
The Two Best Proteins To Eat To Reduce Your Heart Disease Risk – Health Digest
Nuts are health powerhouses, offering a variety of micronutrients and bioactive compounds to protect your heart, according to a 2013 review in Current Nutrition Reports. Nuts have a high proportion of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids to their saturated fats, and the omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts can reduce inflammation and narrowing of the […]
The 10 States Where People Live The Longest, Ranked – Health Digest
Washington is not only ranked second in terms of life expectancy for its total population (79.2 years) but also for its male population’s life expectancy (76.9 years). Female life expectancy for this state is ranked at number three by the CDC, with Washington’s female population expected to reach 81.6 years old. An interactive map on […]
Every 8 Years, This Is What Happens To Your Risk Of Death – Health Digest
However, this equation was conceived before the 1950s. These days, there isn’t such a sharp curve in your risk of mortality every year because life expectancies have increased. In Sweden, 50-year-olds born in 1970 had an 11-fold lower death rate than those born in 1800, according to Our World in Data. When you’re born, those […]
The Added Ingredient In Peanut Butter You Should Avoid For Gut Health – Health Digest
Emulsifiers come in natural and synthetic form. Some come from plants, seeds, fruits, and even eggs, while others are manufactured. Some of the emulsifiers found in foods include polysorbates, sorbitan monostearate, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), glycerol monostearate (GMS), distilled monoglyceride (DMG), pectin, and lecithin. The studies done so far have been largely focused on animals with a few that have looked at this […]
Here’s How Many Minutes Of Exercise You Need To Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest
According to the American Heart Association, adults with high cholesterol are encouraged to get 150 minutes or more of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week as an effective means of lowering cholesterol. When breaking this down into daily chunks, this equates to 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. This can be achieved through walking, […]
Common Medications You Had No Idea Are Banned In Other Countries – Health Digest
In Singapore and Japan, common decongestant medications like Tylenol Cold, NyQuil, Sudafed, Nasofed, or Vicks inhalers are subject to bans due to their active ingredient, pseudoephedrine. As a decongestant drug, pseudoephedrine is typically used to alleviate symptoms associated with nasal congestion (a blocked nose), which easily happens when you catch a cold, the flu, a […]