13 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

One Of The Healthiest Vegetables For Your Gut Can Also Prevent Cancer Growth – Health Digest

ORION PRODUCTION/Shutterstock Your gut hosts more than 100 trillion bacteria that boost your immunity, metabolism, and brain health. For these little microbes to stay alive, you need to feed them with fermented foods, healthy fats, plant-based phenols, and fiber. When your gut bacteria feed on fiber, they […]

3 mins read

What CDC Stands For And What The Organization Actually Does – Health Digest

Tada Images/Shutterstock Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, most Americans heard from the government and other health-related organizations about the coronavirus and how it spreads. One of the major health-related entities within the U.S. government is the CDC, which stands for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The […]

4 mins read

Turns Out We Have A Button To Relieve Trapped Gas. Here’s How To Find It – Health Digest

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Prostock-studio/Shutterstock Fabulous foods with friends can be fun, but sometimes your digestive system objects when it must work overtime to process rich or unfamiliar food. Some ingredients are infamous for giving you gas. You sit in discomfort, […]

4 mins read

Science Says We Age Faster Twice During Our Lifetime. Here’s When It Happens – Health Digest

Oliver Rossi/Getty Images Many people see the coming of their 50th birthday with dread, viewing it as the defining line between “adult” and “middle-aged adult.” Maybe turning 50 is the year you decide to start paying more attention to your physical fitness, knowing that you begin to […]

3 mins read

Drinking Alcohol Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Testosterone Levels – Health Digest

Photoalto/frederic Cirou/Getty Images A night of drinking can bring many laughs and unexpected behaviors, and a few drinks outside of the norm could make you feel a little, well, horny. You and your partner come home feeling in the mood until you realize that your guy down […]

3 mins read

The Poop Symptom That Could Mean A Man Has Prostate Cancer – Health Digest

Thomas Barwick/Getty Images Prostate cancer ranks as the second highest type of cancer among men, next to skin cancer. Although one out of every eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, more than half of those diagnoses occur in men over 65, according to the American […]

4 mins read

The Blood Types That Can Increase Your Risk Of Dementia – Health Digest

Momo Productions/Getty Images Unless you donate blood often, you probably don’t know your blood type. Blood types are distinguished by the types of proteins, called antigens, found on your red blood cells. A person with an A blood type has the A antigen on the blood cells […]

4 mins read

One Of Your Favorite Green Legumes Is High In A Vitamin That Can Naturally Lower Cholesterol – Health Digest

Puhimec/Getty Images Although your body needs cholesterol to provide structure to your cells and produce hormones, too much cholesterol can clog your arteries. High cholesterol can lead to heart disease and stroke. Foods rich in saturated fats such as processed meats, snack foods, fast food, and packaged […]

4 mins read

What Happens To Your Cholesterol When You Skip Breakfast – Health Digest

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Bobex-73/Getty Images For some people, breakfast might seem like a waste of time when they’re rushing in the morning to get to work. If they have breakfast at all, it might be a quick cup of coffee […]

4 mins read

COVID-19 Could Have An Unexpected Effect On Your Risk Of High Blood Pressure – Health Digest

Jacob Wackerhausen/Getty Images As if you needed another reason to be concerned about the possible effects of COVID-19 on the body, here’s a new one: It might cause higher blood pressure than the flu. According to a 2023 study of over 45,000 patients published in Hypertension, COVID-19 […]