12 Mar, 2025
5 mins read

The Low-Carb Vegetable You Should Eat To Lower Blood Pressure And Reduce Inflammation At The Same Time – Health Digest

Okrasiuk/Shutterstock It’s no secret that eating green vegetables is one of the best things for you, but sometimes you come across a green veggie that you’re surprised to find out has benefits galore. Enter asparagus. Although not the most beloved of the green vegetables out there, as it […]

4 mins read

What Happens To Your Body When You Take Melatonin And Ibuprofen At The Same Time – Health Digest

Julpo/Getty Images Melatonin and ibuprofen are two commonly used over-the-counter choices for temporary relief. Melatonin is known as a sleep supplement, but it doesn’t work as a sedative like a sleep aid. Instead, melatonin helps your body recalibrate your sleep/wake cycle. Unlike painkillers like opioids that block […]

3 mins read

The Underrated Juice That Can Lower High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol At The Same Time – Health Digest

Ljubaphoto/Getty Images When it comes to juices, orange juice is popular on many breakfast tables. Orange juice has more than a full day’s supply of vitamin C while also providing plenty of potassium, thiamin, and folate. Kids also love the sweet taste of apple juice, even if […]

3 mins read

An Underrated Winter Squash Can Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease And Cancer At The Same Time – Health Digest

Akarawut/Shutterstock Taking advantage of in-season produce allows you to mix up the flavors and textures of each meal. (Bonus: It also encourages you to support local farms!)  For instance, during the cooler months, you’ll probably notice that a buffet of squash varieties is on display. One of […]

4 mins read

The Best Time To Eat Breakfast If You Have High Blood Pressure – Health Digest

ViDI Studio/Shutterstock People can experience high blood pressure for many reasons, including the medications they take, their habits, and genetics. Yet regardless of why you have high blood pressure, you can sometimes reduce it by implementing new lifestyle choices, like re-evaluating whether and when you eat breakfast. […]

3 mins read

The Cruciferous Vegetable That Can Lower Blood Pressure And Reduce Your Cancer Risk At The Same Time – Health Digest

Noel Hendrickson/Getty Images Cruciferous vegetables are worth adding to your diet. However, there’s one beneficial cruciferous vegetable that stands out if you’re trying to control your blood pressure and lower your risk of cancer: bok choy. Bok choy is brimming with nutritional attributes. A cup of bok choy […]

4 mins read

The Popular Winter Squash That Can Lower Blood Pressure And Blood Sugar At The Same Time – Health Digest

Boogich/Getty Images You can find many varieties of squash year-round. One particular kind, butternut squash, is typically enjoyed during the winter. It features a pear-like shape, an orange-tan color, and nutrient-rich flesh. A single cup of plain, cooked butternut squash offers 6.6 grams of fiber, 4 grams of […]

4 mins read

The Underrated Bread That Can Lower Cholesterol And Blood Sugar At The Same Time – Health Digest

Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock Many people can’t devote tons of time to meal planning. For them, it’s easiest to choose foods that may provide multiple health benefits at once. This includes spelt bread, which may be able to help simultaneously lower both cholesterol levels and blood sugar readings. (Who […]

3 mins read

The Little-Known Seed That Could Lower Blood Pressure And Boost A Man’s Sex Life At The Same Time – Health Digest

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Zinkevych/Getty Images If you have high blood pressure, your doctor might have you take medications such as ACE inhibitors to keep your blood vessels healthy. You could also try to lower your blood pressure without medication by […]

13 mins read

10 Fruits That Can Lower Cholesterol And Blood Pressure At The Same Time – Health Digest

Iiievgeniy/Getty Images Imagine tackling two of the biggest threats to your heart — high cholesterol and high blood pressure — simultaneously. This can become a reality simply by adding a rainbow of delicious fruits to your plate. No complicated diets or superfoods required. Some fruits aren’t just packed […]