12 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

What It Means When Your Mole Grows A Hair – Health Digest

Antenna/Getty Images Even if we didn’t know the scientific definition of a mole, we’ve all seen one, either on ourselves or on someone else. People typically get moles during childhood, but it is possible for you to develop one when you’re an adult too. Moles are a group […]

3 mins read

The Best Potassium-Rich Foods That Can Also Help You Poop Fast – Health Digest

Lwa/dann Tardif/Getty Images With most Americans eating too much sodium, people need to include more potassium-rich foods in their diets. Potassium works to move out excess sodium from your body and relax your blood vessels, which helps to lower your blood pressure. That’s why many potassium-rich foods are […]

4 mins read

The Underrated Exercise That’s Proven To Boost Your Sex Life If You’re Over 50 – Health Digest

Ascentxmedia/Getty Images Exercise is good for you at any age but if you’re over 50, keeping physically fit takes on a whole other meaning. It’s about staving off disease, keeping your cognitive capabilities strong, boosting your mental health, and remaining confident in your body. Swimming, in particular, is […]

18 mins read

Rare Health Conditions You Probably Didn’t Know Exist – Health Digest

Morsa Images/Getty Images Living with any health condition is no easy feat. Yet, to say there’s a big difference between living with a more “common” or widely known condition versus a rare one is quite an understatement. According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), a rare […]

7 mins read

Could Donald Trump’s Ear Injury Cause Lasting Damage? – Health Digest

Andrew Harnik/Getty Images Former President Donald Trump is continuing to heal from an ear injury sustained during a shooting that took place on July 13 as the politician was speaking at a Pennsylvania rally (via NBC News). The assassination attempt left Trump missing part of his upper right […]

4 mins read

Eating Potatoes Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Blood Pressure – Health Digest

Standret/Getty Images Potatoes generally get a bad rap. They’re a rich source of carbohydrates and they come packaged as yummy delights like potato chips or mashed potatoes which we end up eating a lot of. This can easily become a source of weight gain and other health concerns. […]