Eating Pita Bread Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Cholesterol (But There’s A Catch) – Health Digest
Tirachard Kumtanom/Shutterstock Sliced bread, deli rolls, and thin tortilla wraps aren’t your only choices when you’re craving thin bread. Pita bread (with its handy pocket and foldability) can be a wonderful alternative. In fact, swapping out other breads for pita bread each day could possibly offer you […]
Fiber Could Help You Lose Face Fat Quickly (But There’s A Catch) – Health Digest
Husam Cakaloglu/Getty Images Do you feel like your face has gotten puffier due to excess fat? You may be able to reduce your facial fat fairly quickly by incorporating more fiber into your diet. Why fiber? The Mayo Clinic notes that fiber helps with digestion, making it a great ally for your gut and […]
9 Gross Things You Can Catch From Swimming In A Pool This Summer – Health Digest
Ringworm (sometimes referred to as tinea) is a kind of fungal infection that can develop in moist environments where the fungi thrive. Leading to itchy, unsightly, and highly uncomfortable rashes, this condition can occur anywhere on the body, and may not even develop until two weeks after exposure. While anyone can contract ringworm if they’re […]