Do Eggs Make You Fart More? Here’s The Real Answer – Health Digest
Thai Liang Lim/Getty Images Eggs are a great source of added protein for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Scrambled eggs with that whole wheat bagel can keep you full until lunch. Some hard-boiled eggs give you some protein for your spinach salad. A vegetable frittata makes a nutritious […]
Here’s Your Heart Disease Mortality Risk If You Live In California – Health Digest
Cavan Images / Ron Koeberer/Getty Images California is known for its beaches, Hollywood style, and healthy living. As the fifth largest economy in the world, California also has one of the highest life expectancies in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and […]
When You Drink Turmeric Every Day, Here’s What Happens To Your Neurological Health – Health Digest
Rawlstock/Getty Images Take a peek into your grandmother’s spice rack, and you’ll likely find an old jar of turmeric tucked away. Known for adding flavor and color to curries, rice, and soups, turmeric is now making waves for its potential health benefits. Today, you’ll see turmeric capsules […]
Turns Out We Have A Button To Relieve Trapped Gas. Here’s How To Find It – Health Digest
We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Prostock-studio/Shutterstock Fabulous foods with friends can be fun, but sometimes your digestive system objects when it must work overtime to process rich or unfamiliar food. Some ingredients are infamous for giving you gas. You sit in discomfort, […]
Science Says We Age Faster Twice During Our Lifetime. Here’s When It Happens – Health Digest
Oliver Rossi/Getty Images Many people see the coming of their 50th birthday with dread, viewing it as the defining line between “adult” and “middle-aged adult.” Maybe turning 50 is the year you decide to start paying more attention to your physical fitness, knowing that you begin to […]
When You Follow The 7-Day Juice Cleanse, Here’s What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest
Tempura/Getty Images You might be familiar with the idea of a juice cleanse. If you’re accustomed to eating a normal diet, switching to an all-fruit-and-vegetable beverage plan can be quite a departure. This is a popular choice, though, for those who hope to kickstart healthier overall habits, […]
Does Taking Creatine Affect Your Blood Pressure? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
Dolgachov/Getty Images Bodybuilders love supplementing with creatine to give their muscles a little more fuel to work out harder and add more muscle mass. Your body creates about a gram of creatine a day, and you can also get creatine from animal sources of protein. However, bodybuilders […]
Eating Garlic Powder Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Blood Pressure (And Here’s How Much You Need To Eat) – Health Digest
airdone/Shutterstock Here’s yet another excuse to spice up your meals with a sprinkle of garlic seasoning: Eating garlic powder could improve your blood pressure. However, there’s a bit of a catch that you’ll need to keep in mind to get the most health benefits from this spice […]
Does Chris Hemsworth Have Alzheimer’s? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
Fred Duval/Shutterstock Actor Chris Hemsworth is used to pushing his body to the limits. During the COVID lockdown, he combatted boredom by lifting weights, swimming, and doing martial arts to get huge for his role in “Thor: Love and Thunder.” Hemsworth tested his mental and physical limits in […]
Are Quail Eggs Worth Buying For Their Nutritional Benefits? Here’s What We Found Out – Health Digest
We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Holly Wilmeth/Getty Images Farmers’ struggles with a fatal bird flu epidemic have sent egg prices as high as $5 a dozen, which has made people think twice about cooking their favorite omelets for breakfast. However, eggs provide a good […]