12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

What Happens To Your Poop When You Eat Cheese Every Day – Health Digest

Loose stools are also a concern when you consume cheese, especially if you’re lactose intolerant. When undigested lactic acid sits in your digestive tract, it can lead to cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and general gastrointestinal discomfort. Nausea and vomiting can be symptoms too.  Lactose intolerance is a lot more common than you think. In fact, […]

1 min read

This Popular Childhood Snack Is Secretly Hydrating – Health Digest

Depending on what type of illness you’re experiencing, you may be losing far more water than you realize. Mayo Clinic experts explain that severe cases of diarrhea can deplete water and electrolytes quite rapidly. Couple this with vomiting, such as in cases of food poisoning, and the body is leached of even more water and […]

1 min read

Unexpected Triggers That Can Instantly Change Your Poop Habits – Health Digest

Changes in poop habits can sometimes indicate underlying issues that require medical attention. Both diarrhea and constipation can lead to complications, and recognizing potential red flags is crucial for seeking timely medical help. According to Stanford Medicine, constipation, while often causing discomfort and irritation, can lead to more serious consequences, such as hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, […]

1 min read

People With Blue Eyes Are More Likely To Develop This Medical Condition – Health Digest

The connection between blue eyes and type 1 diabetes stems from the findings of a 2011 study published in Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. The study team examined the iris color of more than 280 Caucasian individuals within two specific areas of Italy who were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. To compare, the researchers also looked […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Peanut Butter For Breakfast – Health Digest

The study seems to point toward the fiber and protein content in peanut butter, both of which can help you feel full for longer, per The Peanut Institute. The healthy fats in peanut butter can have the same effect. Just two tablespoons of peanut butter, or 36 grams of the stuff, has 7.1 grams of […]

1 min read

Planking Strengthens These Unexpected Muscles (In Addition To Your Abs) – Health Digest

Starting from the top and working our way down, planks activate many of our upper-body muscles. The exercise helps shape the muscles of our upper back, better define our pectorals, and strengthens a muscle known as the serratus anterior, which is located on the side of the chest and shoulder, explains Prevention. More specifically, you’re […]

1 min read

What It Means When Your Eyes Water After Lying Down – Health Digest

If you’ve ever seen a case of conjunctivitis, you understand why it’s also known as pink eye since it makes the sclera of one’s eye pink or red, via CDC. But besides changing the appearance of your eyes, the CDC explains that conjunctivitis can cause your body to produce more tears than normal. Now, you […]