A Popular Dried Fruit With An Unexpected Amount Of Protein Can Also Lower Cholesterol – Health Digest
Eva-katalin/Getty Images When we think of fruit — dried or otherwise — its protein content doesn’t always immediately come to mind. However, it turns out that some fruits are actually relatively high in protein compared to others. You might also be surprised to know that one of […]
What Intermittent Fasting Really Does To Your Hair (Hint: It Doesn’t Make It Grow) – Health Digest
Raushan_films/Shutterstock Intermittent fasting (sometimes called time-restricted eating) may help to keep you from overeating without forcing you to count every calorie. However, intermittent fasting has cons that might leave your tresses in a figurative tangle. In fact, if you’re not paying attention to the foods you consume during […]
The Safest Way To Store Sourdough Bread – Health Digest
My July/Shutterstock Unless your family devours whole loaves of sourdough bread, you’re going to need a safe way to store the leftovers. Otherwise, you could end up wasting whatever remains. And who wants to let even a crumb of sourdough bread go uneaten? Yet figuring out the best […]
How Much Calcium Does Sourdough Bread Really Have? – Health Digest
Alvarez/Getty Images Sourdough bread comes in many shapes and flavors, depending on the ingredients and how it’s made. True sourdough bread doesn’t have commercial yeast, so it gets its rise through naturally fermenting a mixture of flour and water for a few days. That sour taste comes […]
The Underrated Fruit That Can Lower Cholesterol, Reduce Your Risk Of Blood Clots, And Prevent Cancer – Health Digest
Art_Photo/Shutterstock You can’t beat whole foods like fruits and vegetables to help prevent most chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables provide phytonutrients that help your body punch out free radicals to achieve optimum health. Popular fruits like bananas, apples, and oranges can also form a tasty base for […]
The Low-Carb Vegetable You Should Eat To Lower Blood Pressure And Reduce Inflammation At The Same Time – Health Digest
Okrasiuk/Shutterstock It’s no secret that eating green vegetables is one of the best things for you, but sometimes you come across a green veggie that you’re surprised to find out has benefits galore. Enter asparagus. Although not the most beloved of the green vegetables out there, as it […]
The Little-Known Ingredient That Packs Over 15 Grams Of Protein In Under 100 Calories – Health Digest
We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock There’s one source of protein that’s probably not going to be on a lot of people’s shopping lists in the United States. However, it’s worth trying at least once if you’re looking for a massive protein […]
Drinking Alcohol Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Blood Pressure (But Only Temporarily) – Health Digest
Westend61/Getty Images A difficult day at work can be so mentally and physically exhausting that all you want to do is come home and flop on the couch with a beer or a glass of wine. You’re too lazy to cook that healthy meal from your favorite […]
Do Eggs Make You Fart More? Here’s The Real Answer – Health Digest
Thai Liang Lim/Getty Images Eggs are a great source of added protein for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Scrambled eggs with that whole wheat bagel can keep you full until lunch. Some hard-boiled eggs give you some protein for your spinach salad. A vegetable frittata makes a nutritious […]
Sneaky Ingredients That Are Lurking Inside Your Store-Bought Rotisserie Chicken – Health Digest
Pascal Broze/Getty Images Sooner or later, everyone experiences an “Uh, oh. I didn’t plan anything for dinner tonight!” moment. Fortunately, many stores sell ready-to-eat foods, including fully cooked rotisserie chickens. To be sure, rotisserie chickens are a fairly nutritious choice compared to fried and greasy foods. However, a […]