27 Dec, 2024
1 min read

Maybe Think Twice Before Drinking Milk If You Have This Medical Condition – Health Digest

Now, what’s the connection between dairy and hypothyroidism? Well, medical professionals at NP Thyroid have determined that cow’s milk and dairy products have been proven to exacerbate the production of inflammatory chemicals within the human body. These inflammatory chemicals can have negative effects on your brain and other parts of the body, including your thyroid […]

1 min read

Is Drinking Milk Good Or Bad For Your Eyes? What The Experts Say – Health Digest

There are not a lot of studies out there directly linking bad eye health to saturated fat content in milk. One 2020 study published in the International Journal of Cardiology Hypertension looked at the possible association between excessive milk consumption and carotid atherosclerosis (carotid artery disease) and found a link in the elderly population surveyed […]

1 min read

This Plant-Based Milk Has The Least Amount Of Sugar – Health Digest

When choosing between dairy and plant-based options, it’s essential to understand the differences in sugar content. Undeniably Dairy, a program sponsored by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy and America’s dairy farmers, explains that cow’s milk contains lactose, a type of natural sugar. Whole and reduced-fat milk contains around 12 grams of sugar per cup. Sweetened […]

1 min read

Here’s What Happens When You Take A Sip Of Spoiled Milk – Health Digest

New York-based internist and gastroenterologist Dr. Niket Sonpal told Well+Good, “Typically, if you ingest enough spoiled milk, it can take a toll on your gastrointestinal tract.” We’re talking stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. The effects of ingesting more than a sip of spoiled milk are similar to the effects of consuming other foods that carry food-borne illnesses, […]

1 min read

These 13 Unexpected Foods Are Higher In Calcium Than A Glass Of Milk – Health Digest

Canned sardines are treasures in tin cans that offer convenience with a plethora of health benefits. With a remarkable 936 milligrams of calcium per 245-milliliter cup, accounting for 72% of the DV, these tiny fish can significantly contribute to your daily calcium intake (per USDA Food Data Central). Plus, according to Medical News Today, they’re […]

1 min read

Consuming This Type Of Milk Could Help You Live Longer According To Science – Health Digest

According to a 2021 article in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, sheep’s milk is a rich source of bioactive substances that promote health. It’s loaded with fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Sheep’s milk also has a high amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), known for reducing obesity and type 2 diabetes. The milk […]

3 mins read

The Best Time Of Day To Drink Milk For Weight Loss – Health Digest

Skynesher/Getty Images Growing up, milk and cookies might have been your favorite bedtime snack, but you probably didn’t want your friends to see you drink the white stuff in high school or college. However, as an adult, you may want to reconsider, especially if you would like to shed a few pounds.  Scientists say milk […]

1 min read

When To Drink Muscle Milk For Maximum Benefits – Health Digest

Depending on your body weight, you’ll need between 10 and 20 grams of protein to help your body recover and rebuild after your workout (via Forbes). Rather than saddle up to a smoothie bar or wait until you get home to your blender, Muscle Milk has ready-to-drink protein shakes that you can stash in your […]