12 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

Science Explains The Unnerving Connection Between Bad Dreams And Dementia – Health Digest

VesnaArt/Shutterstock How often have you woken up after a bad dream? Nightmares can be common in young children, which explains why children want to either sleep with a nightlight or crawl into their parents’ bed. Having a nightmare or a distressing dream can also be common for […]

4 mins read

Science Says We Age Faster Twice During Our Lifetime. Here’s When It Happens – Health Digest

Oliver Rossi/Getty Images Many people see the coming of their 50th birthday with dread, viewing it as the defining line between “adult” and “middle-aged adult.” Maybe turning 50 is the year you decide to start paying more attention to your physical fitness, knowing that you begin to […]

4 mins read

Science Says These Are The Healthiest Carbs You Can Eat If You Have High Blood Pressure – Health Digest

StockImageFactory.com/Shutterstock A new diet fad appears every few months and goes viral on TikTok until another one takes its place. Many of these fads will have you eliminating something from your diet while favoring another class of foods. These days, carbs are the “enemy” and people are promoting […]

2 mins read

The Blood Type That Increases Your Risk Of Stroke, According To Science – Health Digest

Momo Productions/Getty Images Do you know your blood type? Unless you regularly donate blood, you might not. Blood types are categorized by the presence of specific antigens and proteins, and you inherit this blood type from your parents. Although you might not think about your blood type often, […]

4 mins read

Science Says This Is The Healthiest Way To Cook Bacon – Health Digest

Marciobnws/Shutterstock You may love bacon, but its nutritional elements aren’t likely to love you back. Truth is, bacon isn’t exactly the type of food you’d find on most healthy eating meal plans since it’s basically a fatty cut of meat. However, you may not have to say goodbye […]

4 mins read

Science Says These Are The Best Foods To Eat If You Have Insomnia – Health Digest

Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock Getting your recommended seven hours of sleep doesn’t always come easy. Stress, alcohol, pain, and some medications can cause you to stare wide awake at your clock for several hours. While everyone might experience an occasional sleepless night, a 2019 article in the Journal of Clinical Sleep […]

1 min read

Science Says This Is The Healthiest Steak You Can Eat (And It Has An Unexpected Benefit) – Health Digest

To be clear, all cattle are fed grass at first. It is what happens after the first 7-9 months of their existence that changes things. It is estimated that around 80% of cows in the U.S. are eventually moved into what is known as concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs. At these feedlots, the cattle’s main food […]

1 min read

Science Says This Steamy Activity Will Strengthen Your Heart And Help You Sleep – Health Digest

If you’re wondering if saunas are safe for your heart, know that they aren’t thought to be harmful for the average healthy person, or even for patients with stable heart disease or mild heart failure (via Harvard Health Publishing). As outlined in the 2021 scientific review, sauna bathing has been linked with decreases in blood pressure, […]

1 min read

Can This Italian Herb Help Lower High Blood Pressure? What Science Says – Health Digest

Even if you grow basil in your backyard, a cup of fresh basil leaves still won’t provide you with a significant source of vitamins and minerals aside from vitamin K (83% of your daily value). Vitamin K helps your blood to clot. You’ll get a little vitamin C and A, some B vitamins, beta carotene, […]

1 min read

Is It Healthy To Smell Your Own Farts? Here’s What The Science Says – Health Digest

Although there is some contention on whether or not the science is referring to smelling hydrogen sulfide, the research itself looked at how that rotten egg-smelling gas can help protect diseased cells from deteriorating in animals. And it has to do with something called mitochondria, a part of cells responsible for energy production, per Healthline.  Mitochondria […]