December 23, 2023
The Rare Eye Feature That Lets Some People See Colors Others Can’t – Health Digest
The only surefire way to know if you carry the gene mutation leading to tetrachromacy is to have a genetic test done for that specific gene, since sometimes the mutation isn’t expressed in a way that gives you superhuman color-detecting abilities. However, researchers have found a few ways to determine if you might carry this […]
Eating Cinnamon Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Brain Health – Health Digest
Researchers from a 2013 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease discuss how cinnamon contains two key Alzheimer’s-fighting compounds: cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin. Both of these compounds may help protect against the formation of what can be thought of as “knots” in our brain cells. These knots are caused by the clumping together of what’s […]
Everything That’s Not Healthy About Ketchup – Health Digest
To say it can be mystifying to weed out the good from the bad when we’re all so spoiled for choice in the modern world is an understatement. While there may have been only a handful of varieties of ketchup available once upon a time, today the shelves run rampant with different flavors and ingredient […]
Drink This Unexpected Ingredient To Make Yourself Poop Instantly – Health Digest
You’re constipated if you have fewer than three bowel movements per week, and if you’ve ever been there, trying to pass hard and dry stools, you’ve probably wished for poop buttons to help keep things moving. The good news is, there is nothing unsafe about consuming about one tablespoon of olive oil if you’re finding […]
Fill Up On This Type Of Fruit To Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest
Naturally found in nearly all plant life, pectin is a water-soluble substance that is converted from an insoluble substance known as protopectin as the fruit ripens (via Comprehensive Natural Products II). Pectin can be found in the cell walls of lemons, apples, and oranges, with citrus fruit housing a pectin content of anywhere between 0.5% […]
What Happens To Your Muscles When You Eat Chicken Every Day – Health Digest
Eating chicken alone won’t help you build muscle. You’ll need to incorporate strength training for that. When you put enough stress on your muscles, you create small tears on them. Your body needs to repair these micro-tears in your muscles, so that’s where chicken and other proteins come in. When you consume chicken, your body […]