12 Mar, 2025
11 mins read

When A Man Gets A Prostate Massage, This Is What Happens – Health Digest

Try_my_best/Shutterstock Over time, men can encounter a wide array of issues involving the prostate, the walnut-shaped organ located underneath the bladder (via Rex MD). As men age, the prostate can become enlarged or inflamed, blocking the flow of urine and causing painful ejaculation. Prostate issues can also, […]

3 mins read

What Happens To Your Cholesterol When You Eat Canned Tuna Every Day (And The Risk You Shouldn’t Ignore) – Health Digest

Aleksandargeorgiev/Getty Images When it comes to healthy convenience foods, canned tuna ranks among the top five. Canned tuna serves as a quick high-protein snack to keep you full until that late dinner, but you can also dress up canned tuna with some peas and noodles in a […]

5 mins read

The Simple Knee Exercise That Can Protect Your Overall Health After Turning 50 – Health Digest

Studio Romantic/Shutterstock One in four adults over age 65 falls each year, making it the leading cause of injury, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although falling might cause some bumps and bruises in younger people, falls can be potentially life-threatening among older adults. […]

3 mins read

Men Can Build Muscle Faster If They Have A Specific Body Type – Health Digest

Xijian/Getty Images Building up your muscle mass can offer numerous health benefits, including some that might not be obvious like better balance, an easier time managing your blood sugar, and an improvement in your mood and mental wellbeing. However, there’s just one hitch: Some men find it harder […]

4 mins read

What It Means When Men In Their 30s Experience Erectile Dysfunction – Health Digest

Southerlycourse/Getty Images Erectile dysfunction (ED) becomes more common with increasing age, but younger men can also experience problems obtaining an erection. According to a 2016 study in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, about 8% of men diagnosed with ED are younger than 40. Like older men, […]

4 mins read

The Mindfulness Technique That Can Boost Longevity And Help You Live To 100 – Health Digest

Super Scout/Getty Images Everyone is looking for that fountain of youth — that one exercise, skin cream, or diet that promises longevity. Years of stress and disrupted sleep can lead to conditions such as high blood pressure, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cognitive issues later in […]

3 mins read

Why Sudden Erectile Dysfunction Could Be A Serious Warning Sign For A Man’s Prostate – Health Digest

Photoalto/frederic Cirou/Getty Images Occasional erectile dysfunction (ED) may be an annoying (or embarrassing) problem, but it’s also very normal. In most cases, the issue is fleeting and goes away on its own. However, when ED occurs suddenly and keeps happening rather than going away, it may be […]

4 mins read

The Unique Type Of Pasta That Has More Protein Than Eggs – Health Digest

Westend61/Getty Images “Should I eat pasta regularly?” It’s a question asked by many people who want to get the most nutritional value from every food or meal. Many pastas are carbohydrate-heavy but light in other nutrients. However, there’s a unique kind of pasta that contains tons of […]

4 mins read

Sleeping Naked Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Mental Health – Health Digest

Jecapix/Getty Images Despite the fact that one of the coziest things in the world just might be a set of flannel pajamas, it may be time to ditch them and embrace sleeping naked. It turns out that even if you’re not totally comfortable with stripping down before […]

4 mins read

Why People Over 50 Are More At Risk Of Getting Sjögren’s Syndrome (And Warning Signs To Look Out For) – Health Digest

Facundo Diaz Montes/Getty Images As much as there’s quite a bit of beauty that comes with getting older, like all that wisdom and those lovely laugh lines, there are also many things that go downhill. And, for many people, it’s once they’re in their early 50s that […]