Getting A Vasectomy Could Have An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Prostate Cancer Risk – Health Digest
Maskot Bildbyrå/Getty Images According to the Mayo Clinic, a vasectomy is considered to be a permanent form of birth control for men. With a vasectomy, the tubes that carry sperm are cut and closed off so sperm can no longer leave the testicles to create a pregnancy. A […]
Can Your Phone Give You Prostate Cancer? We Explain – Health Digest
Golubovy/Shutterstock Have you ever been worried whether your cell phone might give you cancer? If you have, you were most likely concerned about whether holding it close to your head would give you brain cancer. However, you may also have read about a study from 2018 published in Environmental […]
5 Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore – Health Digest
John Fedele/Getty Images Based on estimates from the American Cancer Society, more than 35,000 men will die of prostate cancer in 2024, and close to 300,000 new cases will be diagnosed. Second only to lung cancer in terms of its mortality rate for American men, prostate cancer is said […]
The Leading Cause Of Cancer Deaths May Surprise You – Health Digest – Yuri A/Shutterstock Many cancer advocacy groups host public awareness campaigns educating people about how to prevent different types of cancer. You’ll most likely recognize the pink ribbon that reminds you of the importance of breast cancer screenings. You’ll probably also think twice before heading out the door […]
How Long You Can Have Prostate Cancer Without Knowing It – Health Digest
Abraham Gonzalez Fernandez/Getty Images Like most cancers, you want to catch prostate cancer in its early stages. However a person may not initially realize they have prostate cancer due to the fact that the disease is largely asymptomatic, according to HCA Houston Healthcare. In fact, CNN reports that it can […]
The Hidden Cancer Symptom Men Shouldn’t Ignore – Health Digest
Men between the ages of 15 and 45 are the most at risk of developing testicular cancer. Having an undescended testicle, a family history of the disease, or infertility, and being a non-Hispanic white male are other risk factors. Apart from changes in the size and feel of your testicles and a feeling of heaviness in your scrotum, […]
Warning Signs Your Pale Skin Is Actually Prostate Cancer – Health Digest
Prostate cancer typically has four stages, although the exact clinical definitions and descriptions have subbranches under each. Stages one and two have to do with progressive stages of the tumor within the prostate gland. Stages three and four mean that the tumor’s growth and effects have spanned outside of the walnut-shaped gland. At stage four, […]
The Unexpected Vitamin That Can Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer – Health Digest
In the 2011 JAMA Network study, researchers revisited findings from an earlier trial that showed selenium and/or vitamin E supplementation did not lower prostate cancer risk, but instead, demonstrated an increased risk for the disease albeit one that was considered statistically nonsignificant. The research involved more than 35,500 healthy men who were either given selenium […]
Can Eating Cashews Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
In addition to potentially lowering the risk of cancer to begin with, findings from a 2018 observational study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology suggested that nut consumption may also impact cancer recurrence and survival rates of certain site-specific cancers — specifically, colon cancer. Researchers analyzed the diets of more than 800 patients who […]
Warning Signs Your Indigestion Is Actually Cancer – Health Digest
Even though signs like indigestion, changes in bathroom habits, or bloating might be common, it also helps to know what else factors into your risk of ovarian cancer. As mentioned earlier, older women are more likely to develop ovarian cancer, but the rare cases of ovarian cancer in younger women are easier to treat, according […]